Rep. Ritchie Torres

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Rep. Ritchie Torres

Congressman (#NY15). Born and bred in the Bronx. Grew up in poverty. Product of public housing.
I am going to vote FOR a motion to vacate against Speaker Kevin McCarthy. House Democrats stand united: In Hakeem Jeffries We Trust!
The House GOP announced a kangaroo impeachment inquiry vs Pres. Biden. The MAGA shenanigan is nothing more than a political persecution pretending to be a prosecution. If they can't find an actual presidential crime, they'll invent one. The only real crime here is the House GOP’s abuse of power.
I'll repeat it again: Every country has mental illness, but it’s America that has the epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings. It’s the damn guns.
On August 23, 2023, at the Republican presidential debate, the candidates were asked if they believed in human-caused climate change. Zero candidates raised their hands. Let that sink in.
Most Americans believe that your body is not the property of the government. Your body is yours to control.
Tonight, the voters of Ohio, a red state, decisively rejected an amendment entitled Issue 1, which would have erected new barriers to protecting abortion rights in Ohio’s state constitution. Most Americans believe that your body is not the property of the government. Your body is YOURS to control.
Donald Trump could not even bring himself to look Jack Smith in the eye during his court arraignment in Miami today. Trump fears nothing more than the face of accountability.
House Republicans are making a bad debt limit deal even worse by claiming that the spending caps were "a floor, not a ceiling" and that spending should be capped at FY2022 levels. Extreme MAGA Republicans cannot be trusted to act in good faith.
Donald Trump not only took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago but also refused to hand them over, obstructing justice and lying to law enforcement. When Trump steals, lies, and obstructs justice, he must be held accountable.  Jack Smith has shown that no one is above the law.
Tucker Carlson's Twitter version is even more nakedly a conspiracy theorist and pro-Putin propagandist than his Fox News incarnation. I'm not surprised Tucker is now questioning 9/11. Are you?
In May, the United States economy added 339,000 jobs. That's a total of 13 million jobs created since President Biden took office. Under President Joe Biden, the U.S. has seen the strongest economic recovery from COVID in the world.
Tax cheats cost the United States one TRILLION dollars a year in unpaid taxes. Yet extreme MAGA Republicans want to defund enforcement against tax cheating while pretending to reduce the debt? Gimmie a break!
House Republicans get $79 per day for meals and incidentals. Poor people get $2 per meal under SNAP. Republicans want to cut $2 for the poor while pocketing nearly 40 times as much for their own meals. Sound fair to you?
Today, we pause to remember all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to this great nation in defense of our freedoms and uplift all those they left behind who love and supported them. Thank you for your service.
Ron DeSantis will fail on Twitter Spaces and will fail the United States of America. You know who won't fail? a president who has delivered a record 12.7 million jobs since taking office. Let's finish the job. Join me ⬇️
Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Pitch in to help deliver Joe and Kamala four more years in the White House.
Is Ron DeSantis' campaign launch on Twitter Spaces an example of how he would lead our country?
Ron DeSantis is poised to make history, becoming the first AI model to announce a bid for president. His guardrails include "Don’t Say Gay" and "Don’t Say Black."
The Republican Party has become a cesspool of Conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene Clowns like Lauren Boebert Crooks like George Santos Crackpots like Rudy Giuliani Charlatans like Donald Trump
Defaulting on America's debt is not negotiating; it's extortion.
House Republicans, who pretend to be fiscally conservative, are prepared to breach the debt limit. Anyone who’s willing to default on America cares about fiscal responsibility every bit as much as an arsonist cares about fire safety.
Oh, and hello, Bluesky. 👋
Jim Jordan is totally fine with having bogus "whistleblowers" paid by Donald Trump advisor Kash Patel at the "Weaponization of Government" hearing. LaW aNd OrDeR.
End of feed.