
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
No, fascism arises when a population senses the way to remedy chaos or aggrievement is a "strong hand." It never works but that's how it starts. No ordinary citizen WANTS fascism and its consequences. But the final step seems like the best, possibly drastic, option.
Uh, no, many people want fascism
No they really don't. They cope with it when it turns out to be what they get.
What they want is a solution to real problems, but after a while they stop caring what they need to do, look at the opiod controversy, chronic pain suffers are literally being told by the government that they just addicts who need to be fixed or should die. not medical treatment for pain.
at some point there are people desperate enough to steal or use illegal substances. Some will commit violence to get medical attention.
This doesn't make it right but it's the same logic. Nazi Germany arose out of real problems faced by post WW1 Germany due to the oppressive policies of the Winners on a country that didn't even start it. The victors took the land the country needed to be self sufficient. Ruined the Economy too.
Germany could have stopped at any point before invading Poland and probably been fine for quite some time. But the people had already got themselves into a fascist government, of which they lost all control, and it went poorly from there.
I'm referring to WW1 not 2. My point is that Pre Nazi Germany was subject to a bad state that lead to people being desperate enough to allow fascism.
Yes. What I'm saying is that the "remedy" implemented by Germany's annexation of (purportedly) Germanic territories might have worked, except the country had already put itself in the hands of someone who had goals far different than the welfare of his population.
There was a happy period in the transition to overt fascism in Germany Could it have been sustained as it was? Probably not.
Not sure I agree, having no money and people starving is not a happy period.
In the early days of the H guy, there were jobs and things were going well for most people. Propped up by military spending and publicized by propaganda, but it was much better than before. Obviously, in this history, it didn't last.
Aside from all the people they'd already beaten and jailed to get to that point, who were (among others) the folks who pointed out how things were not going well... the beating people up in the streets, at the very least, predates the Nazis taking power.