
I enjoy a great many things about France. But I do not understand putting the light switch for la salle de bain outside the salle. Is turning off the light while someone is taking a shower horribly taboo? Americans could not be trusted with such things*. *This goes for a lot of things.
It’s so weird. I really don’t understand how we could fail ourselves that much as a nation
You got a couple things right, but light switch placement is not among them.
I’ve never lived in a place that had them, but each time I’m somewhere with this weird placement I’m just as bewildered as you!
While we're here, it's not what I'm used to, but I can maybe get on board with separate salle de bain et salle de toilet, but give me a sink in both! Shouldn't need to walk across the room to wash my hands. Never go one place when 3 will do.
Oh yes, sinks in toilets should be mandatory. And I really, really stand with separating toilets and baths, at least the main one of there are two bathrooms
I'd go for that -- separate, but with sinks. My French reality encounters friction with my American sensibilities. I recently sold my house with 3 full baths (sink, toilet, tub/shower).
Omg THREE!?! Are you a multimillionaire in hiding??? Seriously though, I thought of writing “2 or more” in my previous post but it doesn’t make much sense here, does it?
On average, I'd say divide the bedrooms by 2 and add a half (toilet, but no tub). It was a 4 bedroom house so 2.5 is about standard so 3 was a nice bonus. A 3 bedroom house will have at least 2 - the main bedroom will have 1 in there that most guests won't use so there needs to be an accessible one.
That’s actually really practical. For mainly historical reasons, we don’t have this system here -although new buildings *could*. It’s just not in the culture