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EdD student of Curriculum & Instruction | Visiting Researcher

Profile: I'm in an office, blue buttoned down shirt. I'm the only element in color; wall behind me is in black and white.
Background: Heavily saturated photo of blue ocean underneath blue sky
I feel bad for the journalists inside the NYT, the WSJ and Washington Post trying to do excellent work in spite of leadership decisions and terrible op-eds that undermine those ongoing efforts
Enjoying the #ClinD'Oeil, but the best part has been the sheer amount of wine and cheese eaten with @stemhands.bsky.social (tagging him so he has to check Bluesky).
Americans mostly think that the rest of the world has immigration policies that are pretty similar to what they *think* US immigration policies are like: open to almost anyone, with special dispensation for refugees. We haven't been that country ... maybe ever, but we think we're the norm.
my brother the other day made a joke about getting his kids passports in the event of Trump being re-elected and I just thought "No one is gonna take a non-binary trans person whose has zero money and lots of debt."
Time and time again, Chief Justice John Roberts made clear that this SCOTUS term was a term of contingent planning, leaving open two paths depending what happens with the election. @chrisgeidner.bsky.social wrote all about it at Law Dork: www.lawdork.com/p/the-spinel...
And I’ll add for the millionth time that one of the reasons the times said it didn’t need a public editor anymore was because it was now responsive to readers on social media — and then immediately began categorically dismissing any criticism on social media
For about the millionth time, I’ll just say — having a public editor who could ask people how this happened and lay it out for readers would actually make the paper look better than fucking up this badly and then walking away from it without saying a word.
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
opinions are things like "I prefer tea/coffee" not "you should stop existing"
Who is the least B of ACAB? Captain Raymond Holt? Would Carl Winslow cross the thin blue line?
Not enough shit can be shoveled on Dick Wolf's head for the decades he's spent mythologizing our entire justice system. Cops are righteous and good and humble protectors! The system is fair and honest! Rights are for guilty people, good people can and should cooperate with authority!
Great day in Reims yesterday! Caught up with friends, had amazing sushi, and grossly overestimated my productivity in the evening. Je serai au festival #ClinD'oeil.
No one that is not a white man is surprised.
My experience being on the hiring committee of a law school is that white men, especially if confident, could get hired with much greater mediocrity than literally anyone else.
The same meds in the same doses are considered perfectly fine for cis kids.
They still don't. Most peopledon't have the faintest idea what puberty blockers even are. It's been very easy for the TERFs and Christian zealots to spread fear exactly because no one knows what puberty blockers actually are #transphobia #transhildren #transrights #pubertyblockers
Hm, No One Had a Problem With Puberty Blockers When Only Cis Kids Took Themwww.vice.com Lawmakers hell-bent on taking puberty blockers away from trans kids are ignoring all the research that says they're safe for everyone.
My experience here has been find cool people, notice other cool people in their orbit, find more cool people, repeat. On Mastodon it was find cool people ... space. Oh, look, a comet... space. And there's a lot more space. It was a place to go with no reason to stay.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
I was recently invited to a conference roundtable about the inaccessibility of conferences by the conference chair. The conference was in Southeast Asia, cost 1000 CAD just to register (before flights and accomodation in a resort). I asked if I could join by Zoom. The chair said no.
Very happy to have semi-randomly found @bolts.bsky.social
NEW: The Supreme Court last week blessed bans on sleeping outside, effectively criminalizing homelessness. Are you wondering what that means? Bolts just published a great roundtable with 3 experts that breaks it all down—& how this'll ramp up policing: boltsmag.org/grants-pass-...
“Designed to be Cruel”: How Grants Pass Will Ramp Up the Policing of Homelessnessboltsmag.org The supreme court blessed bans on sleeping outdoors. In a <i>Bolts</i> roundtable, three experts explain that this may encourage aggressive policing over long-term housing solutions.
Also: "if you do anything other than vote Biden, you are voting trump." I didn't design the shit system. You need to hire a French teacher. 1 has A1 French, 1 has A2 French. Don't hire the A2 -- figure out why you only have 2 poor candidates and fix it. Hire the A2 and soon you stop looking for C2
I find it so annoying the number of people who think that criticizing Biden means you think he's as bad as Trump. Believe me, being better than Trump is such a low bar that few of us on the left are thinking that when insulting Biden. It is reductionist to think both parties are the same.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
What would be a good icon to represent a specific language that's not a country's flag? Imagine you are using a kiosk (e.g. airport check-in, ATM) and you want to change the displayed language. Now they are flags of various countries - what else could they be?
life under authoritarian regimes is like war: most Americans don’t know that it’s often really normal and boring, up until the rarer, horrible moments when it isn’t
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
This might be a long shot but I'm looking to talk to anyone who attended the 16th International Congress of Antique Bronzes in 2003 in Bucharest. Please share and if anyone was there, shoot me a message.
When everyone else is cheating, playing by some arbitrary rules that you impose on yourself only hurts yourself and your loves. I'm all for a world where things work out as they should because good people are honorable; it's why I read fiction.
Fun fact about the US political system: the executive branch can just ignore the judicial branch and nothing will happen unless the legislative branch is a functioning body.
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
I think we passed that point at least 3.5 years ago.
How long before we get to the point where something isn't a crime if it's in *support* of the president and party?
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
FB locked my account when I shared an article about traveling while Black. Second time I noticed it was about segregation and how Black ASL differed from ASL. FB doesn't like the spread of knowledge. Or Black people.
Third day out of four that FB has locked my account for "violating community standards" without explaining what I did. This is what artist have to deal with today. You need to publicize your work, so you remain on unpleasant platforms hoping to squeeze out a few more sales.
Funding libraries should not be controversial.
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
Or the free market life vests used by the SS General Slocum that had cork dusk (that floated away when it got wet) and IRON FUCKING BARS inside the vests which drowned people who tried to swim with the vests on.
To send pundits/Lincoln buffs into a tizzy, Joe Biden should present his cabinet a sealed document at their next meeting and demand they sign it, sight unseen. 🗃️ blogs.loc.gov/loc/2014/08/...
Reminder that lots of people you encounter are hanging on to a thread by their fingernails so unless it's psychedelics, therapy, a meaningfully viable organizational roadmap, a hug, or some other real support, maybe ask yourself if what you're about to offer is helpful or if you're just startin shit
If you ever find yourself explaining something you don't experience to someone who experiences the thing you're explaining, immediately stop and seek an adult.