Anonsee, Prophesied Return 🕸️

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Anonsee, Prophesied Return 🕸️

28 y/o Black, Queer, Disabled, Polyam // Fae/They - Goddess // NSFW, minors DNI //

Bluesky’s resident Spider Deity - Libidohazard

“Divine, but you know, in that really hot, fallen angel kinda way” -

PFP by
It’s so funny (horrible) to me how so many trans people suddenly don’t understand the concept of a deadname or misgendering so long as they can hurt me and feel good about doing so. My name is Anonsee Storyweaver. I use fae/faer or they/them. “She” or anything else is misgendering.
“Oh well you still use it-“ my home state doesn’t think trans people are real legally and I don’t want to have all the documents from the first 22 years of my fucking life be in my deadname and the rest in my real name. I’m forced to be legally deadnamed bc of transphobia. Stop using it as an excuse
I deleted this app and I’ll be re-deleting it since I’ve posted this (only reason acct is still up is so people can see what I ACTUALLY said) but y’all saying/doing transphobic or racist shit to/about me still comes back to me. Stop justifying bigoted shit bc I’m an “acceptable target” to you.
“What you showed us didn’t prove anything-“ I don’t care anymore. You don’t believe me if I’m concise with no screenshots, you don’t believe me if I’m verbose and provide screenshots, I don’t think you would if I provided direct screen recordings of every single convo instead of a couple pieces.
And it’s not worth having to relive memories of being beaten or raped and gaslighted over and over again just for y’all to claim every word out of my mouth is a lie or DARVO. Just stop misgendering and fucking deadnaming me.
My name and gender isn’t “fake”, I’m a fucking non-binary trans woman. Attempting to deny or mock my name or gender is explicit transmisogyny. I have VERY INTENTIONALLY never willingly posted my deadname here or on Twitter, anything but “Anonsee Storyweaver” for me is willful deadnaming.
Stop letting cis people misgender and deadname a Black trans woman just because you hate faer. Stop letting white people be racist and use “oh well Anonsee-“ as justification. It makes its way to other places and into my life regardless. Leave me the fuck alone.
If I was helping boost your Mutual Aid or contributing to it when I could on here and you still need help, you can get me on discord @LadyStoryweaver since I can’t see here. No i don’t care if you believe me or not, it has no bearing on whether you deserve to survive, just don’t be a freak to me.
It’s so funny (horrible) to me how so many trans people suddenly don’t understand the concept of a deadname or misgendering so long as they can hurt me and feel good about doing so. My name is Anonsee Storyweaver. I use fae/faer or they/them. “She” or anything else is misgendering.
Like I’ve openly tagged or shared stuff calling at least 3 of them my roommates here and on Twitter. Y’all could have been DMing them and quietly helping them “escape me” except I’m *not* abusing them so you KNOW that would have massive blowback on y’all. “I have proof!” Aight bet, here’s the rub
3: “omg Anonsee is abusing/raping faer roommates!!” Ok, two of my roommates are here on bsky and two are over on Twitter (fifth left twitter) why you ain’t helping them. Save them from me. Get them places directly in DC and help pay their bills.
“Well you obviously lied about everything else, how should we have known you weren’t lying about this too?” Have you considered I haven’t lied about any of this shit no matter how much you fucking hate me? That yall have been doing the same shit to an actual victim you *hope* I did to “my victims”?
I spent three years trapped in this relationship because she financially abused me, would abuse our pets any time I was gone longer than a couple days, and literally treated me like a slave to the point of fucking hunting me down in her car the time I tried to just run for it on foot and escape.
2: “Anonsee was really abusing faer ex Alyson, how could fae know she was pretending?” This is my most abusive ex, who beat me and coercively raped me for months (different periods for each), *also* falsely accused me of rape (and admitted it directly), and heavily gaslit me. Admitted it all later.
If there’s something specific you need or want me to do in regards to this, feel free to DM me or have someone you’re comfortable mediating between us DM me.
1: CSL: Im sorry I behaved that way to you, it *was* unacceptable both because I hadn’t asked explicit consent to be that detailed/explicit via flirting with you AND because we didnt have any kind of rapport in which I could’ve done so without asking first. At best, uncomfortable. Worst, harassment.
No, I didn’t disappear because I’m “guilty”, I disappeared because Jazz knew I was already suicidal and successfully talked me into killing myself. I was hospitalized because a roommate caught me and stopped me, and I wasn’t stable enough to deal with y’all lying about me after getting discharged.
Lmao I got an email from Bluesky because someone reported me for posting about having attempted suicide. No, the suicide attempt was on the 16th, now I’m just angry.
“Anonsee wasn’t sufficiently polite or repentant about (x) after we collectively hospitalized faer and made conspiracy theories about faer, think of the optics!” Damn I’m sorry I still haven’t learned to stop being uppity and properly respect people that harm me for funsies, how dare I 🙏🏽🫡
Like don’t get me wrong I got hella ways to prove shit I’m mainly limited by constraints of the platform. I don’t have a video of her actively beating me though so if you were hoping for something new to get off to you’re SOL sorry, I should’ve known I’d need more than pictures to prove that.
“Omg Anonsee makes long threads/essays to defend faerself” Y’all engineer situations in which I cannot tell the truth succinctly AND prove it within 300 characters then make fun of me “being long winded” Sorry, do you want me to upload a video of my ex abusing me to YouTube or something instead?
It really does amaze me how obviously Bill will refuse to read a damn thing except screenshots of me he gets sent like. This is how you keep getting got by people lying about me. You literally openly sided with the racist lolis prior just because you hate me. Why do I live rent free in your head.
Saltine, y’all literally manipulated a cis Black man into being your Big Account Voice as part of a literal conspiracy to get rid of me because you hate me, don’t get froggy about cis folks now just because y’all didn’t successfully get me to kill myself or disappear.
“Does Anonsee REALLY think people are just constantly conspiring against them? Isn’t it more realistic that faer just actually an abuser?” This is not the first time this has happened, it won’t be the last, it just got shown in 4k. No I don’t know why people do this to me/act like this about me.
Lmao one of my roommates apparently replied to bill accusing me of abusing my roommates several days ago and bill just ignored it bc it didn’t fit his story. Wild.
3: “omg Anonsee is abusing/raping faer roommates!!” Ok, two of my roommates are here on bsky and two are over on Twitter (fifth left twitter) why you ain’t helping them. Save them from me. Get them places directly in DC and help pay their bills.
This is one of the goofiest takes out of all of it. Anonsee isn't a "thought leader," they're just loud on the internet while also being Black and trans.
“Anonsee is trying to be a thought leader” I’m not. Said for the past year, I’m posting through intense trauma and mental instability and hoping y’all don’t do the same shit to anyone else. I don’t want to be your idol or leader but y’all keep forcing me into these positions bc I won’t shut up.
Also, no I don’t think everyone whos accused me of some shit is racist, not even folks I KNOW are lying. There’s a lot of overlap for several reasons, but unless they explicitly say/do some racist shit in accusing me or after, I don’t believe they’re any more racist than most people lmao
And if you try to be on some “oh I believed you the whole time!” shit but didn’t check in on me fucking ONCE despite my DMs being fully open, knowing I’m chronically suicidal, facing a multi-platform harassment campaign, and me going radio silent? You are the worst kind of coward. Die.
Oh also if you’ve read literally anything I’ve said over the past year and a half and wondered “how could they do all that to Anonsee wtf” y’all not only got to watch it happen in real time, but a lot of you partook or believed *solely* because I was hospitalized and could no longer defend myself.
shout-out to whoever it was that hates me that said “Anonsee only got away with this because faer beautiful and charismatic” I didnt “get away” with shit and I wasn’t trying to, I been posting through trauma and mad abt racism but you’re dead on about me being beautiful and charismatic, thank you 🙏🏽
In summary: Stop fucking lying about me. No I’m not going away. No I’m not a fucking serial abuser/rapist. Stop doing freak shit to me. Stop doing racist shit. Stop doing other bigoted shit. Stop getting manipulated by bigots. No I wasn’t fucking lying to you.