Dan Visioni

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Dan Visioni


Climate scientist focused on aerosols, chemistry and radiation. Volcanoes 🌋and modeling of Climate Intervention. Assistant Professor at Cornell EAS, from 🇮🇹proudly 🏳️‍🌈 More at https://dan-visioni.github.io/
The great news here is that all of my Climate Dynamics students (even the ones who didn’t get an A!) have a far better grasp of Earth’s radiative fluxes and of cloud feedbacks than a Nobel prize winner. W for me!
Ok hot take: never used an electric stovetop before moving to the US. Convinced myself it was still ok and that gas stoves are not that big of a deal for 5 years. Now the house we bought has gas appliances and I was bummed at first but. Holy shit. Cooking with actual fire is just funnier sorry.
Our new work indicating that Climate Intervention has the potential to greatly reduce risks related to Antarctic Ice Loss is out. Link to the press release, with some very good quotes from the lead author, Paul Goddard from Indiana University: news.iu.edu/live/news/32...
www.eas.cornell.edu/spotlights/a... It was fun to tell a bit of the story of my (academic) life in this spotlight piece for my department! Other then describing my research goals around SRM, I could finally add a shout-out to my high-school physics professor that inspired me over the years! :)
Climate is a long term game. 1.5C and “12 years left” were always attempts to “inspire” the masses: paternalistic view, maybe well meant but that’s it. It’s not over because we’ve had a really hot September. Get a grip. It’s adaptation all the way down (yes, this includes CDR and SRM).
New study out in Nature Food: no, we won't be better off with more warming. But we will be better off, for calories production, if we actively keep temperatures below 1.5º. But this can't be done through emission cuts in the short term: Stratospheric Aerosol Injection could help.
Physics tells us that warmer air holds more water ➡️ stronger precipitation events, as climate models confirm. Future warming will worsen this, and it’s a big ❓if we’ll be able to adapt. Current policies imply it’s unlikely we’ll curb warming in the next few decades. So…?
It hadn't really dawned on me that I am actually a professor until now, when I sighed a sight of relief as my flight was delayed by 3 hours so I could finally write the upcoming prelim for my class in peace.
In the new Quarterly issue of Project Syndicate, me & European colleagues Claudia and Herman write about the importance of research into solar geoengineering: t.co/TErD79x5jL
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What are carbon offsets? How are they supposed to work? How can things go wrong? Team Carbon Brief have answers in this brilliant in-depth Q&A, inc this handy diagram: interactive.carbonbrief.org/carbon-offse...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Visioni
Cornell University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences has posted 11 Ph.D. positions. Apply by Jan. 1: gradschool.cornell.edu/admissions/ More details at: findajob.agu.org/job/8021643/...
Admissions : Graduate Schoolgradschool.cornell.edu
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