
Their actual, not-hidden argument is that the 2024 election is rigged because America is less white than it used to be. Heritage used to boast that their power was in the superiority of their ideas.
The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election rigged beyond repair
they definitely believe in the superiority of something
It was only 11 years ago that they fired Jason Richwine for claiming that Latinos were genetically inferior to white immigrants. (Full story in: The Thinkers: The Rise of Partisan Think Tanks and the Polarization of American Politics!)
The amount of aptitude they credit Biden with is white supremacy taken to a frightening extreme. He can’t even get legal voters to vote, how is he going to get undocumented immigrants to commit felonies en masse
A Black man was elected President twice, and 35% of the coutry lost their goddamned minds.
The author choosing Johnny Cochran as a pseudonym is kinda a tell.
My father has voted by mail for decades in Arizona, and yet complains to me about a "flood" of untrackable mail-in ballots in the state tipping their elections. I point out to him that his ballot has a barcode, it's sent to him with his name on it, he has to sign it, etc. It doesn't persuade him.
There are more of us and they know it so they cheat. I feel we can win on abortion and IVF alone. 🤞🤞
I was waiting for your take on this
It is very weird that I have nostalgia for pre-DeMint Heritage.
the country is healthier when it has a conservative party that is less batshit