
Now is not the time to despair and give up. What's really going to screw us is if everyone just gives up and doesn't spend the next 6 months learning things, connecting, and building community. So many useful things can be learned in this time that will still be useful if the worst doesn't happen.
No matter who gets elected, we still need more folks trained in first aid or training to be medics, we need more people to learn how to administer narcan. We need support systems for unhoused people and hungry people that aren't faith based. Start now, so if the worst happens, you aren't scrambling.
Do it now. If you think shit is really bleak, you're not wrong. It has been. Wallowing in it will eat you alive but trust me- it's a lot easier to start from scratch *before* you find your city occupied by the military.
This is a beautiful reminder. 👏