Ame Dyckman

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Ame Dyckman

NYT Bestselling #kidlit author! (And poet. And goofball. If YOU’RE a l’il weird too, we’re gonna be friends! 😄!) NEW 📚: MONSTER OG #2: ⚙️OG FINDS THE COG⚙️; BAT, CAT & RAT #2: ☀️VACATION☀️; 🏕️CAMPINGLAND🏕️ on 7/1/24; MORE on the way!
We got a 📦. But I was working out in my Inside Sneakers which are hard to lace Just Right but WERE & the 📦 was dropped a few feet from our 🚪. So I got the Swiffer w/ the LONG handle & nudged the 📦 closer ’til… 💥GRAB!💥 🏆! Prolly looked like I was on House Arrest. 😂!
Baked a haiku but I forgot to wrap it and Now it’s a bit stale #haiku #haikuSaturday
LOVE! 🤩❤️! THANK YOU SO MUCH,!, the #TwoLions gang, and I are having SO MUCH FUN with our 🏕️CAMPINGLAND🏕️! #kidlit
I love how you can pair CAMPINGLAND by and with an indoor or outdoor camping experience. You can even pair it with both and compare like the family in the book compares their camping experiences. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Now THAT’S a sand castle! 🤩🏰! (I was SO AFRAID I was gonna trip and fall into it, but I didn’t. WHEW! 😅😂!) #Happy4thofJuly!
Just got home from fireworks but there’s a new 🦌 in our yard & we don’t know him yet so instead of going in the garage we parked & quietly snuck out of our car & around our house & thru the Door We Never Use & when I say my real life is weirder than my 📚 this is what I mean.
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Happy Book Birthday to CAMPINGLAND!!! This hilarious book has a super fun National-Lampoon's-Vacation vibe to it. It's a perfect summer read! ☀️ 🏕️ Congrats James and Ame!
IT WAS AWESOME TO SEE ⭐️YOU⭐️,! THANKS for coming by! ❤️! (And look at my goofy l’il CONCENTRATING face! 😂😂😂!) #ALAAC24 was SO MUCH FUN!
Finally got to meet my #kidlit friend today at #ALAAC24!!
Sometimes there’s a Well-dressed gentleman Walking two other Well-dressed gentlemen And all the ladies Stop
IT WAS ⭐️FABULOUS⭐️ to finally meet YOU,! THANK YOU for coming by! ❤️! What a FUN #ALAAC24! YAY, 📚!
I was soooo excited to see today at ALA! What a great start to the day. 💙
Just read a review of a local Taco Bell that says: “The service is always exquisite.” ✨✨✨“Exquisite.”✨✨✨ I dunno why but that makes me SO happy.
I don’t understand silk. One minute there’s a little worm that says: 🐛: “LOOK WHAT I CAN DO WITH MY BUTT!” and the next minute you have a shirt. (I maybe skipped over a few steps, but still…)
I get lost going to the mall, but… I’M SIGNING AT #ALAAC24! ⭐️🎉🤩❤️📚🎉⭐️! IF-😉!-I can find: AMAZON PUBLISHING BOOTH #1431 SUNDAY 9:30-10:30 AM & YOU’LL be around, please stop by! 😊! (& if you see me wandering around, just return me to the front desk. 😅😂!) #JamesBurks #ChristopherWeyant #TwoLions
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I love that this is literally a painting of Beethoven thinking about coffee
Today we met this penguin. They look like me that time I tried to wax my eyebrows. 😂❤️!
Husband Guy had a visitor outside his office. ME: “Why didn’t you bring him home?!” HIM: “He looked like he had places to go.” ME: “Yeah. TO OUR HOUSE!” 😫😉😂❤️🐢!
Today I wanted to make baba ghanoush. But it was too hot today to roast the eggplants in the oven. Husband Guy offered to throw them on his grill outside. But he forgot to fork them. In his own words: “There was a 💥POP!💥 Like a balloon. But… it wasn’t a balloon.” 😳😂!
If your fave band’s a band that’s broken up, do you say: “My fave band IS—” or “My fave band WAS —” I like IS, ’cause they’re still YOUR fave band even if they’re not a band anymore. Like if you’re REALLY into Charles Dickens, he IS your fave author, even though he’s…💀.
Today on the beach, there was this kid. Just GLEEFULLY THROWING gloppy handfuls of wet sand back into the ocean. And we had to walk in front of her. Her mom said: “WAITTT…” (To the kid. Not to us.) And that little girl looked STRAIGHT AT US with a grin— And let us pass.
When rocks get their hair done. 🪨: “FANCY!”
“JAY? JAY? I have a double espresso for JAY…”
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Saddened to hear the news about kidlit author 😢 Katey's friends have established scholarship fund at the Highlights Foundation:
The Katey Howes Fund - Highlights
We somehow got a magazine for pizza restaurant owners and Husband Guy’s OBSESSED. We do not NEED a conveyor-belt pizza oven, but now he knows THEY EXIST. 😳😅❤️🍕!
I wish there was something You could spray on your toast To un-toast your toast When you’ve toasted your toast Too much
Yesterday I got to be a consultant on a very important archeological dig.
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In celebration of #PoetryMonth, here's a poem written by my friend that I illustrated, called "Don't Mess With A Reader." #Edusky #PoetryForKids #NaPoWriMo
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Here's a poem I wrote to go with some of my #FoundObjectArt. I was highly amused when my friend came back with a reply poem. 😂 We have differing opinions about SQUIRRELS, as you can see. #PoetryMonth #squirrels
Today was SO windy I blew away Down the street And into a tree Where a bird (Puffed-up) Just stared at me Like: 🐦: “This is NOT where YOU’RE supposed to BE!” Then looked at my nails Pityingly These tiny Useless Talons