
Politico: mics will be muted during the debate when it’s not a candidate’s turn to speak. (Oh, gosh, how WILL Trump cope with THAT!?)
How will WE cope with that? They know the felon is going to Mumble and rave while Biden is speaking. Mics should be turned on so we can hear everything! It's all part of the process of providing all available info on both, just as we should have had live cams at his trial. this is censorship.
I understand that point of view, but evidently after the last two times, Biden would like to be able to get his message out. Maybe he should just give a separate speech.
True, but the moderators could do what they didn't do for Hillary when the felon stalked her: tell him in no uncertain terms to shut up or leave.
I still don't get it.
I get your point and even can agree with you, but having to “debate “ Trump isn’t a normal debate, it’s frankly an abusive situation. I am pretty sure that this hasn’t been tried before so it will be interesting to see how it goes and if Trump still manages to be an ass. I suspect he will.
Debating tfg would be validating his right to be on any ballot. I say NO!!!
Refusing to debate him would be seen in many ways, none of them good: too afraid to debate, knows he couldn't win (total BS) or 'disrespecting the GOP.' GOP DOESN'T DESERVE respect, but Biden tends to play by the rules. Also issuing the challenge: position of strength, & HE sets the rules.
Sorry Lee. I have to disagree. I think it’s acknowledging he has a right to be a candidate which I think is wrong. A convicted felon has no business being on a ballot for any govt. job.
Oh, I think he should be disqualified under the 14th Amendment, and that "the office of President isn't mentioned" is utter bullcrap. But HE IS THEIR CANDIDATE unless his brain malfunction makes the issue moot, which I think would be the best possible resolution. He would not be if I had the choice
What’s super creepy now is that even if Trump keeled over tomorrow and we never had to look at him or hear him ever again, now he’s enabled the craziest faction of the Republicans to intimidate the NORMAL Republicans and take over. Including the Heritage Foundation with their Project 2025. 1/2
Plus, he gave them a test run for insurrection and set up the so called Supreme Court to do whatever the crazies want. He’s helped them practice everything they needed to stress test democracy and figure out how to destroy it.
It would throw a lot of them into disarray waiting 3 days to see if he resurrected. (CREMATE!) The US faced a similar sort of creepy bully in Senator Huey Long. He didn't get to make the run for Prez because a political rival assassinated him. He may have been one of Rump's role models.
along with Hitler
Oh, we know about the Mein Kampf on the nightstand business. But this isn't the first time totalitarians have had a go at the US. Have you seen any of Rachel Maddow's historical "Ultra" series?
Lee, I just listened to three episodes of the bag man.Now I can see where tfg got a lot of his ideas.
I have not but I will look it up. Thanks
That is a huge problem, he has taught them how to be like his mentor Ron Cone. I believe they are all criminals, they do not believe in the rule of law.
They clearly do not. 🤬🤬🤬🤬