

Artist, cook, Francophile, bi-petual lover of garlic
I have a dream: Dan Rather interviews both Trump and Biden, separately, of course, on MSM if any network has the guts (as if). He's the model of how journalists used to watch & question with no subservience to corporate media.
Reposted by cynthie
Do you know what you’re voting for Do you like the things the right’s been showing you? What are you voting for? Do you know? Do you get what we’re heading for When you look ahead freedom is almost gone What are you voting for? Do you know?
The felon says, “THE black people”.
Now Tapper is calling the felon, “ President Trump”.
At least Tapper calls the felon, “ former President Trump”.
How do I get my timeline to have the latest ones on the top? Mine start with one posted 7 days ago, then other days old posts before I find one posted minutes ago? I'd appreciate any ideas.
Today women across the nation were supposed to wear orange,not go to work,not spend any money basically go on a nation wide strike.It didn't happen.The message didn't get through I guess.All of us women and men have the power to bring capitalism to a standstill even for a day if we all acted as one.
A Dem should bring an enlarged photo taken during the Influenza pandemic in 1918 of children wearing face masks. Those pics exist. It was considered the scientific approach then, same as now.
There's no time line to the posts in my list. How do I set them up so it starts with the most recent one and the rest follow in that time frame?
End of feed.