
My biggest concern is for what, exactly, does Trump’s adviser/s want to kick off nuclear testing? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s talk in his circle about potentially using nuclear weapons if Trump re-takes the WH, & they may already be putting targets on certain “enemies”. Dangerous stuff.
First, a return to explosive nuclear testing by USA would likely result in most other nuclear states explosively testing. USA has most extensive, & best instrumented, test record & thus most to lose. 2nd, good luck finding a test site b/c Las Vegas has grown enormously & made Nevada not usable.
I think a lot of it is “nukes powerful, setting off nukes makes us powerful” but who knows.
I think it's more simplistic. I think Trump himself wants to deploy nukes, just to have the experience of ordering them used.
That’s not my take but also, who knows? I doubt Trump even does much of the time.
Trump has suggesting using nukes on hurricanes, bombing Mexican drug cartels, & nuking N Korea but blaming another country. He brings up nukes A LOT. The new POTUS immunity probably only further entices him & those who want to use his power.
I’m not knowledgeable enough about this topic to say whether I fully agree w everything suggested in this piece, but it does seem like something must be done to constrain a POTUS’ power to order the use of nuclear weapons.
There’s Nothing Between an Unstable President and the Nuclear It’s past time to put legal guardrails in place to prevent catastrophe.