
My biggest concern is for what, exactly, does Trump’s adviser/s want to kick off nuclear testing? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s talk in his circle about potentially using nuclear weapons if Trump re-takes the WH, & they may already be putting targets on certain “enemies”. Dangerous stuff.
First, a return to explosive nuclear testing by USA would likely result in most other nuclear states explosively testing. USA has most extensive, & best instrumented, test record & thus most to lose. 2nd, good luck finding a test site b/c Las Vegas has grown enormously & made Nevada not usable.
(There are some good comments in the replies to that thread, from accounts w nuclear expertise, including .)
I think they want to start up nuclear testing again to show their macho: Our buttons are the biggest! They will couch this in talk about deterrence, but it's not nuclear tests that other countries will look at in a deterrence/ compellance calculation. We all know how big these things can go.
I just know that Trump has talked about nukes A LOT, & seems to be itching to use one.
Some serious Robert ap Gwilliam vibes
I think Trump is itching to go to war with Iran (nukes & all) as it’ll give him the wartime emergency powers he needs to go full god-emperor.
He killed the Iran nuclear agreement, likely with war in mind as a next step. Thankfully Iran has shown a lot of restraint.
Yes - though I think with Netanyahu desperate to stay in power to stall an investigation into his conduct (& possibly jail) I think that all the ingredients for a conflict are lined up, no matter how restrained the Iranians are.
I think a lot of it is “nukes powerful, setting off nukes makes us powerful” but who knows.
I think it's more simplistic. I think Trump himself wants to deploy nukes, just to have the experience of ordering them used.
Trump has suggesting using nukes on hurricanes, bombing Mexican drug cartels, & nuking N Korea but blaming another country. He brings up nukes A LOT. The new POTUS immunity probably only further entices him & those who want to use his power.
I’m not knowledgeable enough about this topic to say whether I fully agree w everything suggested in this piece, but it does seem like something must be done to constrain a POTUS’ power to order the use of nuclear weapons.
There’s Nothing Between an Unstable President and the Nuclear It’s past time to put legal guardrails in place to prevent catastrophe.
That’s not my take but also, who knows? I doubt Trump even does much of the time.
this right. They spend around 3-months in a nuclear reactor on patrol in the ocean. That's what an SSBN is - reactor and warheads. They better do it right and safe or each patrol is a suicide mission and one-way trip; then bury those sailors when they get home. ... 3
body radiation attacks - the intestines. You cannot live without your intestines. It's the nourishment/immune system of the whole body. How do I know this nuke stuff, my husband was a nuclear sub sailor. The Navy does ... 2
This is one fallout Trump won't escape the effects of his decision from. Dead in a month, along with a lot of people. Remember, what goes around, comes around and you can't see radiation. The first organ in the human ... 1