
Oh no, they’ve got liberals on here 😭 slightly to the left of the fanciest NATO twinks on twitter, at least
I want to flag up this is the third Democratic primary in a row where Sanders' supporters have argued we should throw out the election in one form or another. This fits neatly with his rhetoric that the process is "rigged" and "corrupt". It's bad, and reflects badly on him
They have NATO twinks on Twitter? I never should have left!
They’re all one skimming of Meim Kompf from literally becoming Hitler, dude, and I’m not being hyperbolic at all
Forgive me if I don't take someone who uses "liberal" as a pejorative and thinks NATO is self-evidently bad as the best judge of the political spectrum, but I'll risk it
Sorry I don’t have an anti-imperialist manifesto at the ready and prepared to dole out successfully in 300 characters to someone who isn’t genuinely interested in a politics that centers the third-world and gets scared when they can’t have unfettered access to plastic trinkets.
Do you have any active thoughts on Euromaiden, the shelling of Luhansk and Donetsk from 2014 onwards, multiple American diplomats calling NATO expansion as early as the 90’s catastrophic provocation against Russia as it went back on promises not to do so?
My thoughts are simply this: Putin belongs on trial for war crimes and should spend the rest of his miserable days in a jail cell. I don’t think the West “provoked” Putin but even if that were true, you don’t get a pass on war crimes. And yes, I apply the same logic to other conflicts.
I didn’t ask about Putin and frankly I couldn’t care less about that dog cunt. And if you think there was no provocation I don’t know what to tell you. Do you just ignore all relevant history? Is that consistent about you too?
Here, let me put it in an adage you can probably understand: Do you think you just feel out of a coconut tree
Tankies are unironically malignant and do not deserve any attention whatsoever.