Proof of Burden

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Proof of Burden

The politics poster your mom warned you about. Impeach, exhume, try, and convict Richard M. Nixon. Occasional earnest lib posting, but sorry about it. Press secretary for The Prophetess of Discourse. Brainworms taxonomist. he/him
Repost to draft Keir Starmer to replace Joe Biden
I'll have what she's having!
Just opening bsky to find out if the UK is having a normal one
Just opening bsky to find out if the UK is having a normal one
Watching the news, which violates the spirit of my break even more than this post, and I would like to flag up the "anonymous sources in Politico are bad, unless they confirm my priors" phenomenon that happens a lot
"You're not a lawyer anymore Roy" (I'm not here, just imagine I'm ghostly Ethal Rosenberg)
I will think of you fondly during my Stellaris binge. Leave pictures of big cat kittens on this thread so you may be visited by the Goddess of Good Mental Health; goodness knows you all need some cheetah kittens in your lives right now
Alright, I'm going dark until after the holiday, and maybe not *right* after. Don't accept the framing the wreckers and fascists give you, focus on substance, and keep the light of liberalism on for when I get back (Last time I popped in a bit because I am weak. I'm probably still weak, lol)
Alright, I'm going dark until after the holiday, and maybe not *right* after. Don't accept the framing the wreckers and fascists give you, focus on substance, and keep the light of liberalism on for when I get back (Last time I popped in a bit because I am weak. I'm probably still weak, lol)
Imagine the worst mod you've ever encountered. Now imagine the have preferences Donald Trump has. Now imagine they are allowed to tell someone to shoot you without consequence. That's what authoritarianism is like
One thing I am getting out of the conversations about authoritarianism is that Americans are so thoroughly Liberal they cannot imagine how a government based on the raw exercise of power would work in practice
One thing I am getting out of the conversations about authoritarianism is that Americans are so thoroughly Liberal they cannot imagine how a government based on the raw exercise of power would work in practice
Two things: 1) If I were trying to sabotage any momentum coming out of this, I'd direct you away from the election and into, I cannot believe this, building a parallel government 2) An authoritarian regime will just dismantle this, and probably shoot you, if it comes near challenging them
For no reason, I just had a crystal clear memory of the absolutely lit pancakes I had at a restaurant overlooking a beach in Okinawa
To be clear, I think everyone here is making good points in good faith, but I want to point out the *submerged* disagreement: Should the Democrats do symbolic things? Message? Respect practical constraints? There isn't any agreement here or anywhere else!
Wish the President made public appearances outside of the debate se we could see if he was a corpse or not
Serious questions, how are the libertarian contrarians (Friedersdorf, Singal, Yglesias, etc.) taking this?
I'm not saying any particular account is this, but if I were a foreign provocateur helping Trump I would: 1) convince people to despair 2) normalize the most extreme interpretation of his immunity Conduct yourself in a way that distinguishes yourself from that
Don't do this, this was not the Enabling Act, holy fucking shit. It's important---for your mental health, for next steps, for just accurately assessing risks---that we describe this accurately, and the formal end of rule of law this is not
*refreshing the tracking on my new computer so I can see when I can bury myself in Stellaris*
a lot of people who don't seem interested in the order in which these things have to happen also don't really get that in order for biden to issue any kind of threat with teeth, he's got to have congressional democrats behind him, nearly to a man and woman. call your congresscritters.
i don't know whether AOCs call for impeaching the justices will be the right one (it doesn't have a chance in hell of getting through), but the conversation has to start with congress, who are prime offenders in letting the court get to this point, and i'm encouraged someone there recognizes that
Though, I'm still looking for a primer on the psychology of people who say "hi" when they take an open game seconds after you just finished one. "Hello? You never left?"
I've had a really good run of Go games since the end of last week, and haven't run into so many tactless people. The brainworms are all here, not there
Hoo! boy! "Biden, who is a demented old fool who cannot speak and is about to cost us the election, should give a speech on SCOTUS" is a week!
I'd take "Biden should say things" a lot more seriously if we weren't coming out of ignoring everything Biden said last week in favor of how he said it
The President can say a lot of incantations, and as soon as he does, the conversation will become how he's just saying words. We've been around on this for *years*, I don't trust any of you to credit Biden's rhetoric for shit
I've had a really good run of Go games since the end of last week, and haven't run into so many tactless people. The brainworms are all here, not there
The paraphrase in #2 here is both why I wouldn't have them say it and why you all need to calm the fuck down; Biden's deputy campaign manager didn't say that, that's a whole 'nother sentence
Friedersdorff leaping at a chance to push a black woman out of power is the least surprising thing I've seen in awhile
I would not, were I master of the universe, have Biden's people say the President "deeply respects our institutions". All the same, I would also ask that people stop looking for a magic incantation that gets us out of this, as it is extremely boilerplate and easily projected onto
Critical support to John Roberts who bravely changed the conversation
Democrats, worried about optics, are beginning day 4 of a panicky meltdown where they scream about how weak they are
Say what you will about George W. Bush, but at least he didn't stutter his way through the debates
Me, tuning an extremely intricate looking scientific device. "We've made contact with the tankie universe!" I exclaim "What are they talking about?" "How much liberals love George W. Bush?" "Did you tune that thing right?"