Nayrb Derg~

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Nayrb Derg~

Gay Furry Adventurer. 27. LOVES to Roleplay. Macro Micro account. SFW Preferred, but can be NSFW.
Dragons are here again. ❤️🐉
What an many many fursuit hugs...❤️💛💚💙💜
...My nerves are a Mess... in 24 hours, I'll be leaving for Furry Weekend Atlanta... I haven't been able to rest or eat fully. Mh... Thankfully my body is ridiculously resilient with an exuberant vitality, but this still isn't healthy. I need to calm my nerves...
You there! Reading this thing on the interwebs! You're my friend now. ❤️🐉
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Ruby-crowned kinglet, looking pensive. #birds 🌿
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It's a Good day for adventure. Mmhhrraawwrrr!~ ❤️🐉
Avatar Oh hai...! I'm guessing you've seen me around on discord or something...?
...I'm heading to Furry Weekend Atlanta Soon. I don't even know how these things wind up happening to me, but it is magical. I'll be in Georgia Atlanta from the 7th, to the 13th.
Mmmm...All snuggled into bed. Comfy, warm, and happy. ❤️🐉
Mmmm... Today, is a Good day, friends.
...Here I am again, that funny RPG mindset tied to real life. Mmm...What does a Max level adventurer even do...? What does a...fully trained, max stats and attributes human even do?
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in space! comm for :D thank you for your support!
I had a funny urge to run to town on foot, an urge to have an adventure. But now that I'm in town, my heart sinks. It's telling me to look for quests, or for something, but not giving me a direction. Mmm... I feel lost all over again.
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...I need a new adventure. No more sob story. Now...Now is the time for quests. So...if you're reading this, I'm ready.
And now... I'm going to get my AED, CPR, and first aid administration certification in a week. I will also have that with narcan resuscitation, too. Can't be an adventurer without knowing the revive skill. ❤️🐉
Mmm... I've been volunteering my time at the library, unlocking everything in mario kart for them. If this continues, and I unlock everything, they can host tournaments thanks to me. [Since unlocking something in a tournament, and then using that to win invalidates the tourny]
I'm not sure why unemployment feels more comfortable for me. Like...for some funny reason, I feel like I'm making more progress in life unemployment, rather than employed. Maybe it's because food is my vice, and the more I'm stressed, the more I eat. I'm switching to cooking all my meals.
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Also.. FWA deserves so much respect. I am so proud to work with a con that doesn't sugarcoat the fact that furry is a predominantly queer subculture and to live those values through their mission statement and charity partner. They've always reflected the community better than any other con to me.
There's that funny feeling again. The desire to go on an adventure.
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Mmm... Well... I feel ashamed requesting assistance with what I was talking about earlier,'s the Fluffy Iron Fox. He made a Go fund me after a lot of encouragement. Sigh. Please help, if you can. I know I'm trying my best to help too.
Mmm...Things are strange right now. Several paths are open, but which do I follow? How can I make things right for myself, and Iron...? The poor fluff got his car repossessed.
Well... Back to running around town like the usual adventurer. Mmm... I get the feeling I have a better chance looking up quests or whatever online.
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my back is in so much pain im unable to work for the foreseeable future until it fixes itself im trying to make rent and i have $380 out of $500 so far anything helps $gh0styb0i
... I dream of being at a furry convention again. Of holding Iron in my arms. Of debts paid. Of safety, and a brighter future. I dream of being stronger, and wiser. I dream for this uncertainty to reach conclusion. ...Sigh.
Hmm...Maybe the solution lies not in wondering how the problem gets solved...But rather the act of solving the problem. It is one thing to plan how to solve a is another, and often different result to actually solve it. It sounds so silly and simple. Imagine success, and it shall be.
It's been about...3 days since everyone's hours at work got cut. My boss wanted me to come in to work, but...something felt off, and I changed my mind instead of joining him. To simplify how I feel, I simply want all of this uncertainty to be over. A clear direction. Simple as that.