
We’ve just gone through 20 years of major cultural backlash against fast and processed food, in favor of ideas about the virtues of authentic and genuine food linked to cultural tradition. It will be very interesting to see how that collides with the recent promotion of AI-generated Human Chow.
When Trump became president I actually wondered if we'd see a shift back toward the processed, plastic-wrapped, heat-lamped stuff he likes. I guess we're lucky we didn't.
Of course, here are some ideas for your potluck party: take any product that is largely legume-based, like a commercial mix of soy and lentils. Shape this soy-lentil mass into squares. For more fun color it blue or green. I am sure your guests will enjoy the meal! Can I help you with anything else?
"hello user, it looks like you are trying to cook using your pathetic human hands and limited resources. Fret not, for ChatGPT's Sponsors, Chunks(tm), has all the nutrition you need in one pleasing geometric shape"