
I really think people running around going “you don’t understand, the president is a senile old man at the very end of his ability to think clearly!” do not understand the way the public perceives most of the presidents we’ve had during my lifetime
What possible criticism of Biden in this vein does not apply in equal or greater measure to Trump, as well? Just inventing a standard to apply to a Democrat but not to a Republican is what Republicans do, not people trying to defeat Republicans.
It seems to be what journalists do. However, Dems don't push back. They don't do it to Republicans because they know there would be a price to pay.
I care a lot less about public perception than what might happen if the invasion of Lebanon kicks off during the 18 hours of the day the president is "stuttering"
Shit, a lot of people love Reagan (MHRIH) and he was way farther gone than people seem to think Biden is.
this is my contribution for you