
classic centrism at work!!!
What could have happened today if more candidates who came in 3rd had refused to drop out? Hint of an answer in the city of Aix. Here, the Macronist candidate refused to drop out. As a result, no front vs the far-right. Result: RN wins with 37%. Left at 36%. Macronists 27%.
just handing out easy wins to fascists to spite the left!!!!!!!!!!
the left union literally carried this whole election and saved france from fascism lol and macron gets to keep strutting around like the fucking king pretending he did that ahhahaha pathetic fucking cunt, literally guillotine him now
I'm not a fan of centrists, but the PM Attal gets some respect from me, for getting as many centrists to rally around the NFP's strategy as possible, even when his boss fucked the whole thing on *purpose*.
yeah macron really tried to ratfuck them as per usual, it's his whole thing that man is a fucking festering maggot respect to this lad facing him down
Most of France and parts of his own party hate him (the latter probably increasing in number after the calling of the election onwards), and I hope he suffers.
yep he is a loser and he can't last, he is so widely hated it's got to be getting at him
He's also a sad try-hard, who really wants to be France's Obama. Remember the staged photos of him in his office, looking moody, and his hoodie? Ha ha ha
hahaha this class of people, the centrist macron rich kid saviours who think they are god's gift to man and know everything better, are pathetic i will piss on their graves and history will look at them with derision and mockery he was disastrous
Centrist is such a mess - you get to come across as "civil" and mature whilst you make hay with the fascists, and don't bother to actually do anything of substance for the people. *Looks at the UK, Germany, the US for no reason*
spineless worms, we need to be merciless to the ruling classes, they have no solutions because they have no problems, they know nothing they want everything the same or to the right, they deserve the bullet
Time for the Paris Commune and/or the Revolution again
If you follow Blingistani on Instagram, she had this ace marxist afghan t-shirt for sale, though it's sold out, I think: