Sam Freedman

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Sam Freedman

Write about politics + policy on my Substack ( Columnist at Prospect and TES. 'Think-tank guru' according to The Sun.
Why am I previewing all 650 seats, which is a tad obsessive even my standards? I think there are three good reasons: (Also it's fun)
Includes these remarkable stats on how bad Sunak's leadership ratings are compared to previous party leaders.
This is such a key point from Dylan and is not widely understood. The age skew has a huge effect on the population between elections. Even if every single person currently alive voted as they did in 2019 the Tories would lose almost their entire majority.
NEWS Almost exactly three years ago I was lying in hospital after a near death experience promising myself I'd fulfill my ambition to write a book if I recovered. Well here it is. It has a release date and a cover. It's available to pre-order here:
Do not understand why No 10 think this is a good look for the PM.
My starting point was the commonly expressed idea that the UK is now a "high tax" country. Relative to our peers it's just not true. It's much lower than our European counterparts and lower than the OECD average as a % of GDP. (Chart from IFS)
Crucial point: as the polling I did for my post on Reform on Wednesday shows most of their voters are simply not going to go back to the Tories whatever Sunak and Co say. They are lost for this election:
In what sense is the status quo not making things actively worse? Otherworldly complacency.
We maybe a week away from "WHY HAS MEGHAN FAILED TO CURE CANCER"
Posting this picture of yourself is just another example of entirely normal behaviour from a completely sane academic who is no way losing his mind.
Brave to open that sentence with "I am not demented" tbh.
Robert Jenrick actively arguing for McCarthyism has done for me. Jfc.
Wonder why the Tories are struggling with voters under-50?
Tbf the interview subject didn't give them a lot to work with
Really remarkable how different UK immigration is to other Western European countries (bar Ireland). This from PISA shows huge differential effects on school systems.
No significant movement in R&W. Think we can now say autumn statement has not led to any kind of bump.
Apparently the principle of not allowing people to be killed and tortured belongs to the distant path. One of the worse faux-intellectuals out there.
If the govt go ahead and do this when there are so many real problems that need money spent on them it will be unforgiveable (and I say that as someone who would be a beneficiary).
In a poll from August Cameron rated as a better PM than any that followed him but worse (in terms of net rating) than any that came before him. So not popular but less unpopular than most Tories.
The most unnerving AI double image I've seen yet.
"Some people have said shooting Matt Goodwin out of a cannon would boost economic growth and reduce NHS waiting lists?" Should we: A) Shoot Matt Goodwin out a cannon B) Have a worse economy and longer NHS waiting lists
Not a spoof front page remarkably
Incredible message from Simon Case released by Covid Inquiry. I mean we all knew, but to see it set out so clearly by someone who was there...
Lol must have got into his OODA loop.
End of feed.