
There is evidence that humans made yogurt (from Turkish yogur: "to knead or condense") more than 10,000 yrs ago. For the earliest pastoral tribes, yogurt would have been a major invention. Let's examine why. Globally, ~70% of adult humans today are lactose intolerant, 90% in some regions.
Fresh milk was great for children, but couldn't be stored without spoiling. The likely accidental discovery that some bacteria could convert milk into something with longer shelf-life and 1/3rd the lactose meant that adults could access the proteins in milk.
The thick and sour yogurt could also be further thickened/strained into a soft kind of cheese, which further extended shelf life. Fragments of dairy lipids on ancient pottery tell us they were doing exactly this, with tools designed specifically for this purpose.
Neolithic ceramics reveal dairy processing from milk of multiple A new study has found evidence of cheesemaking, using milk from multiple animals, in Late Neolithic Poland.
Pastoralism produced meat and dairy protein. Grains provided carbohydrates for energy. Wild foods provided micronutrients, and that formed the basis for neolithic nutrition. Our earliest cities & civilizations were built on cheese and yogurt added to grain harvests.
We Didn't Build This City On Rock 'N' Roll. It Was We got milk when we domesticated goats and sheep around 9,000 BC. At first, that milk was easier to digest when fermented. So yogurt, along with other Neolithic foods, helped fuel civilization.
Cheese, with the longest shelf life, was most suited for trade or travel, but yogurt was eaten by the farmer who produced it. In Ancient Greece, a dish called oxigala (Oxi "sour"; gala, "milk") was eaten with honey by the working class, while the elites dined on cheese and meat.
Yogurt was especially beneficial for older people with significant tooth loss, as it is nourishing, tasty and high-protein without the need for chewing. There are stories of it being used medicinally (as a probiotic) in the ancient world. All Hail Yogurt! The culture that gave us our culture!
A civilisation built on cheese ? Sounds like France to me! 🇫🇷😍
iirc, some MENA folks process firm yogurt with salt and then dry it out in the desert heat into an extremely solid and rock-like yogurt with almost no remaining moisture Used to see it back when I was agriculture inspection at the airport occasionally, I always wondered how they ate it
Being lactose intolerant is the rule, (norm) because a vast amount of cultures stop drinking human milk when they are weened. Sometimes as old as 5 years old. You can also make yourself intolerant by... Not drinking milk. There's also goat and sheep's milk.
yeah but also why us there a remote control car on a platter?
That's the Pharoah's favorite toy.
Y'see, they needed to use a car horn to gain entrance to the pharaoh's chamber. This was the reign of toot-and-come-in.