
Women and equalities minister not announced yet thats…fine im sure its fine
preparing myself for another punch to the gut.
Yeah how the fuck is annelise “meets with LGBalliance” dodds the best case scenario
Nandy would have been alright, even if she did throw us under the bus already. (Fucking hell, the bar is so low).
Although with Nandy at least I got the impression that she wasn’t being sincere and just wanted to keep Sir Queer Harmer happy. Which is absolutely pathetic but, again: low bar.
Best case scenario is they scrap the whole post and just forget about us for five years
I've said it before but I really do think Starmer will reach a "fuck this" point with the whole thing. He can't please the GCs enough, and he's not progressive enough to stick with things like GRA reform when the usual backlash kicks off. If they won't improve things, I'd gladly take some peace.