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Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
And, again if the exit polls hold up, this held up pretty well.
My suspicion is that the revived leftist Popular Front will take the most seats, if only because its base, though disparate, will still be more mobilized to resist the RN than Macron’s beleaguered and bewildered party and voters.
And it lost him votes i have the receipts those votes were in the pocket and he fucked it
Best case scenario is we get Dawn Butler. She has ministerial experience, and ordinarily that would give her an edge. But it’s extremely unlikely. It’s an appointment that would greatly displease JK Rowling, whose opinion is very important apparently.
Yes. They’ve announced that they’re changing their name to “LGBTQ+ Labour.” The “Q” stands for “quislings.”
Has LGBT+ Labour made any statements, do you know?
Yeah how the fuck is annelise “meets with LGBalliance” dodds the best case scenario
every time i see a ministerial appointment that's "oh that could be quite good really", i get my hopes up until i'm reminded of the Cass peerage and i want to break things again
If it’s Jess Phillips I’m going to go literally yeet my phone. Jess Phillips who lied about Phoenix Netts’ killer being a trans woman, kickstarting an ongoing conspiracy theory, and then never acknowledging the error, let alone apologising for it.
Women and equalities minister not announced yet thats…fine im sure its fine
i challenge debbie to a one on one male socialised violence sometime. she can choose the car park. in minecraft. i guess.
Same story with Mike Gapes btw, who shared the same historical revisionist Twitter thread that JK Rowling later did. It was by Malcolm Clark, who even made the utterly despicable claim that trans people actually *benefitted* from Nazism. As with Duffield, he faced no consequences for this.
“Make it up” to the woman who broke party rules by ‘liking’ tweets that denied that trans people were targeted by the Nazis. Oh well, Starmer already wants to meet with JK Rowling, who explicitly denied Nazi crimes. Normal stuff.
Being an absolute pain in the arse for politicians and the media and a transphobic medical establishment is good praxis. Direct action gets the goods; being a massive pain in the arse gets the goods.
I was there when he attended the LGBT+ Lib Dem fringe in Liverpool, 2010, and said that he didn’t support same sex marriage, after wed just passed the motion that led to it becoming coalition policy. It was me who leaked what he said to Pink News.
This was very much my strategy when I was directly involved in trans activism in the UK. I was one of the organisers behind the Stonewall Awards protest in 2008, which I think contributed massively to eventually bringing Stonewall on side and ousting Ben Summerskill.
Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third dayuk.news.yahoo.com Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
Ngl the fact that Starmer followed up that offer of a meeting with Rowling (so that he could offer her “assurances”) by saying that we “shouldn’t have the right” to use women’s toilets was fucking crushing. I never had particularly high hopes for the guy, but that was a punch to the gut.
“Make it up” to the woman who broke party rules by ‘liking’ tweets that denied that trans people were targeted by the Nazis. Oh well, Starmer already wants to meet with JK Rowling, who explicitly denied Nazi crimes. Normal stuff.
she also has used actual nazi dogwhistles in parliament, both talking about things that resemble great replacement theory and "cultural marxism"
Cates was, without exaggeration, an actual nazi
Thank fuck Cates lost her seat though. She’d be sticking crosses in people’s faces and chanting “the power of Christ compels you”, trying to exorcise any last remnants of “moderate” Cameronism.
Low-key disappointed that Grant Shapps lost his seat because while he’s still a Tory I feel like he would have avoided the “culture war” bs it he’d managed to become leader. Now we’ll almost certainly be stuck with a sociopath like Braverman or Badenoch or Jendrick.
So Starmer has already booted Emily Thornberry and appointed an unelected (soon-to-be) peer to the role of Attorney General. Remember when Sunak did that with the Foreign Secretary and everyone hated it? Oh well. Great start, eh.
I like how she refers to "My Bill" like he's her incorrigible fella, burly but none too bright, who's got a heart of gold but is always having run-ins with the law.
Btw the way she capitalised “Bill” here makes it sound like she’s hired a heavy called Bill who’s going to go and shake down pharmacists for puberty blockers, and impose cisnormative notions about gender/sex on people by threatening them with a pool cue.
“I will not give up on getting this Bill onto the Statute Book.” That was Liz Truss, folks. She lost to a lettuce. She lost to some ferrets. She lost one of the safest Tory seats in the country.
It must be nice, btw, being the unmarked norm. When you can just worry about politics having an impact on normal things like public transport and the NHS, and not have to worry about whether your healthcare or your right to exist in public space might be removed.
Do remain vigilant, however. It is far from outside the realm of possibility that Labour will try to introduce a similar law.
Liz Truss going full goose stepping neo nazi in public is an excellent indicator of how the Tories are going to react to this rout
Out of morbid curiosity I checked out the “Lotus Eaters” podcast Liz Truss went on. The clips I saw were full of racism, Nazi sympathies, barely veiled antisemitism. That Truss wasn’t immediately dropped by the Tories for this is a depressing reminder of how far to the right this country has moved
“I will not give up on getting this Bill onto the Statute Book.” That was Liz Truss, folks. She lost to a lettuce. She lost to some ferrets. She lost one of the safest Tory seats in the country.