
Heard one honk over the course of a week in Belgium, and this included time in Brussels, which is a bit car-centric by European standards. Landed back in NYC today, exited Terminal 4 at JFK and was immediately struck by all the honking. Truly fucked up.
Kind of hard not to notice the exhaust, too, especially on a hot and humid day. Too bad there's no plan to reduce cars ready to be tried out somewhere in the city.
Systemic problem: bad rail connection Individual problem: there are EV rides for hire why are people not using them
I propose that all new cars should come loaded with 5 (five) honks. From there, it's a $750 refill at the dealer.
This is one of my favorite ideas! Yours is even stricter than mine, which was that cars come loaded with 100 honks and that refills cost $500. I like how strict your solution is.
you'll be glad (?) to know that people honk vigorously in the immediate vicinity of the munich train station in all seriousness it was brutally depressing to be in notably car-centric outlier munich and still note how so overwhelmingly much better biking and transit are OH WELL
OH WELL indeed. Really messed up that we accept this status quo!
I was keeping an informal list of all the things that worked swell there that I have heard people say are impossible here. Probably not healthy of me, all in all.
When I lived in NY, each family member mentioned the honking on their first visit. Also, about once a day we saw an example of absolute looney-tunes driving that would have been a tell-your-friends story if we’d seen it back home.
I think we may have just missed each other, had the exact same reaction at T4 yesterday after two weeks in Europe, mostly in Berlin
Love how the AirTran announcements about the JFK rebuilt just stresses the new roadways… Nothing new for air train in that package… OH WELL
Look man what did goots do to you