
That North Korea is Russia's artillery shell sugar daddy is honestly hilarious. It's like it's been training for just this one specific moment for 70 years.
Altho I imagine quality control will need to be a thing for Russia. Not that I care, but I imagine that shells made in NK work camps might not be precision engineered. Maybe more like recent Boeing engineering circa the 737 "ah, close enough"
‘I know it happens’: Boeing chief admits the company has retaliated against whistleblowers | CNN The outgoing chief of the embattled airplane maker is testifying in the wake of a whistleblower’s allegations of safety issues.
I mean the good news is that unlike airplanes, artillery shells are actually designed to smash into the ground before exploding
Eh, Russian stuff has been subject to worse corruption with people stealing brass and tires for resale, so NorK stuff may be a step up.