Nick Brumfield

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Nick Brumfield

Researcher on Yemen, dipping my toes in Maritime Security and Logistics | BA Ohio University, MA Georgetown University | Posts about the Middle East, Appalachia, and what I'm reading | From WV/Mid-Ohio Valley, based in DC
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There is a legislative member gap between the US (435) and China (2,977) that we must close or the commies will win
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
Once the Suez Canal workers strike Biden is done for
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Yeah I don't agree with all of his positions on foreign policy, but if Jeremy Corbyn can pull off a win I'll be pleased
Wow surely Starmer understands this victory is because of a probably one-time vote split on the right rather than half microwaved Blairite neoliberalism and Labour needs to use this five years to pursue a bold agenda to cement its hold on power right? Right?!?
The Fourth of July The one night of the year I can fire off my AK-47 in the backyard without my neighbors being weird
Can someone explain why third parties seem so much more viable in the UK than US despite both using first-past-the-post single member districts? Is it like a historical difference or is there something structural?
Fuck that Reform is not where I would like it
The national seat count so far: Labour 14 (+4) Conservative 1 (-5) Lib Dem 1 (+1) But the popular vote so far tells the tale of Reform's rise: Labour 42% (+1) Reform 21% (+15) Conservative 20% (-20) Lib Dem 9% (+1) Only 2% of "precincts" reporting, though, so will change.
Rare recognition of the Northern Mariana Islands at A Capitol Fourth rn
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Bit of La Marseillaise at the Capitol Fourth, as a treat
I will say a couple years back I got a panorama view of the DC area when they lit the fireworks and it was awesome seeing communities lighting off fireworks all around for as far as the eye could see
Darren Criss wasn't even on Glee when they sang that song tho
Now's the moment to do that murder if you were waiting for a good time
When Francis Scott Key wrote "the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air," he was talking about the jumbo value pack from Arson Dave's Fireworks Emporium
It kinda sucks guys who look like me are either schlubby but chill socialists or literally the most Christofascist tradcath you know
Debating whether to walk down to the Mall for the fireworks but it's literally like walking in soup rn
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When in the course of human events something fucking something
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
You can tell Jennifer Garner is about to send a kid to college because she's doing *a lot* of Capital One commercials rn
The Amish have been doing this for like 400 years and no one's had a problem with them because unlike these people they're not trying to establish a white Christofascist state
"Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. 'As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,' the group’s website proclaims." Yeah, um... ...that's only opaque if you don't know what the Fourteen Words are
BREAKING: After an historic landslide, Keir Starmer has announced the Labour Party will be rebranding as The L, a lifestyle brand for professionals on-the-go
Well DC feels like the worst place to watch fireworks rn
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Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
Britain’s Labour Party was projected on Thursday evening to win a landslide election victory, sweeping the Conservative Party out of power after 14 years, in a thundering anti-incumbent revolt that heralded a new era in British politics. Follow live updates:
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Happy Rishi Sunak's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day to those who celebrate
David Cameron in the stocks when?
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lord I see what you’ve done for others and etc
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
Is the rule Britain and France can't both not have a right-wing government at the same time? Is this something they worked out after the Hundred Years' War?