Jerry Belich

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Jerry Belich

senior narrative/content designer @ Squanch Games | creative tech making award-winning escape rooms & alt ctrl games, Choosatron, MFA in experience design, ping me for design/hacker/maker stuff -
I don't know why so many need to weigh in on the attempted Trump assassination. It was obviously only a 1 out of 10 in terms of execution.
We democrats sure know how to get in our own way.
I have something terrible to admit. I don't find farming games cozy or relaxing. I'm so so sorry.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Belich
Back in 2015 for our vacation-themed event Itty Bitty Bash, brought A.F.T.E.R.G.L.O.W, a missile defense game in a suitcase controlled with a rotary phone dial. look ya to theme these parties but sometimes there's a game in a suitcase and whaddya gonna do, say no????
Bless America, where the holidays means no day care that we still (over)pay for so we will be half assed trying to get things done around the house that we are terribly behind on! Wooooo I'm so tiiiiired
So is there any faith left in the presidency at this point? Even if you support that disgusting clown Trump you should be very afraid of the obscene power given to a single individual in this country. Sure power corrupts, but what if you are already extremely corrupt when you take that power?
Dual wielding ear infections. How's your Friday?
Ugh. It's that time of year when the phrase "Man Cave" is mentioned far too often. Now that I'm a father I think I can be vocally irritated by those words.
Finished Diablo III Eternal and... That game felt so hollow. It was weirdly easy, piles of boring loot that I just auto sold unless it was a very rare color, and never spent money on anything because I didn't see the point. So linear! Is it just me? Did I miss something?
Couldn't launch Humanity on the Xbox until I changed my profile picture. This is my favorite thing about how weird software can be. :)
Is it just me or does anyone else dislike audiobooks with weird musical intros and extros? They are usually really intense and I don't understand who thought they were necessary or even fun additions.
Please put Trump in jail. Fines are a meaningless punishment for him.
Avatar I have a free horror story title for you that was said while we were changing our baby. Yours for free! Please enjoy writing the new hit horror novel, "There's Something in the Scrotum". Looking forward to a preview copy.
I miss when we could all just hate NFTs which more or less bilked idiots out of money. LLMs (not AI no matter how many times you say it) are just strip mining online communities and leaving dust behind.
Can't wait for Thursday when we find out how the most powerful court in the land manipulates justice to serve a criminal trying to become president again! Weeeeee!
This cat should be famous. Spokescat for a scotch or something.
What if platforms dealt with fascists and Nazis the same way they deal with emulators like Yuzu.
Don't you ever wish you could take a peak at your own character sheet stats?
Why do I have to pay so much money to see if I paid the right amount of taxes
I LOVE THESE CATS - so handsome and fluffy and better than Xanax
Baby slept 12 hours straight. I didn't have to get up in the night. Cats and dogs are living together.
Moved our baby's crib / baby to his own room a few days ago and it has been revolutionary. Last night he slept a total of about 13.5 hours, with one wake for change and feeding 9 hours and forty minutes in. I feel RESTED! Plus we have our bedroom back in the evening and getting ready for bed!
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Belich
Sokobond Express, recently released and on sale, is the synthesis/sequel to Cosmic Express & Sokobond being published by Incredibly clever puzzles building on the ideas and rules of the previous games. Do not miss this fun mashup.
Save 10% on Sokobond Express on Sokobond Express is a beautifully minimalist puzzle game that combines chemical bonds and puzzling pathfinding in novel ways.
Just listening to my one year old 'sleeping' in his crib, muttering, giggling, and sighing to himself and I'm dying of cute.
And after how many years now my little family has been struck with COVID. Wife first, based on how the baby is doing, him next. Dead man walking here. :(
How many other people spend time before falling asleep pre-mourning beloved pets, friends, and family that will die someday. Sometimes I think my brain and empathy are so broken I will always be most miserable about the events that haven't yet occurred. To live and love is tragedy.
Only took four years to decide that yes Trump SHOULD have to abide by American law. Glad that's sorted. I'm sure we'll figure out if he did anything wrong by the next election year, 2028. I don't just want him owing everyone money, that was already the case anyway. Jail. He needed to be in one.
I really do have the best cats. That is all.