
and if you're using faceID know how to deactivate that shit without opening your phone.
What this article leaves out is that if you hand your unlocked phone to a police officer, they can legally search it. Unless companies develop a method that allows you to show officers insurance cards and driver license without unlocking the rest of your phone, don't.
This state is introducing digital driver's licenses. Here's what you need to Your physical wallet is being replaced piece by piece. Here's what you need to know about using digital IDs.
people shouldn't use Face ID, if they take your phone from you there's no opportunity to unlock during a highly stressful police encounter, idk how quick the shortcut is
mine is tapping the side button a number of times. I do it accidentally just fidgeting sometimes.
Mine's a triple tap on the back of the phone.
I understand, but people will not have the opportunity to do this in a highly stressful scenario if the phone is taken out of their pocket while they are say, handcuffed or have been instructed to raise their hands at gunpoint
sure but people are also going to use it regardless and if they are, they should know how to deactivate it.
yeah, I mean people can be as unsafe as they want thats true lol