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A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change:
Colorado split its largest judicial district. Now the more liberal Arapahoe County is likely to elect a reform-minded DA, while Douglas County may bring a punitive prosecutor back into office. NEW in Bolts:
A New Boundary Sends Suburban Colorado Down Opposite Paths on Colorado split its largest judicial district. Now the more liberal Arapahoe County is likely to elect a reform-minded DA; Douglas County may bring a punitive prosecutor back into office.
A former Chicago police commander has criticized a state law mandating people with sex offense convictions live more than 500 ft away from a day care as “absolutely ludicrous.” “They’re restricted [from living] almost everywhere,” she told Bolts.
How Illinois Housing Banishment Laws Push People into Homelessness and Organizers with past sex offense convictions are championing a bill in the state legislature that could end the cycle and roll back residency restrictions.
Many U.S. states disenfranchise people for years after they've been in prison, in some places for life. The U.K. allows people to vote if they're not in prison. In France, people can mostly vote from prison, let alone after.
How Voting Works in the U.K. and France: Your Questions On the eve of the French and British elections, <i>Bolts</i> responds to 10 reader questions on how they differ from the U.S. on voter registration, disenfranchisement, proxy voting, and more.
Compassionate release is typically used for dying or medically incapacitated prisoners. But it's for the first time being considered as a reparative measure for women who were sexually abused while in federal custody.
“What’s More Extraordinary and Compelling?” Women who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of guards at a notorious federal prison in California are now seeking compassionate release.
There's been a mad scramble in France all week, with hundreds of candidates dropping out of Sunday's runoffs to block the far-right. But why did the election system even set up such a situation? Our explainer on how voting works.
How Voting Works in the U.K. and France: Your Questions On the eve of the French and British elections, <i>Bolts</i> responds to 10 reader questions on how they differ from the U.S. on voter registration, disenfranchisement, proxy voting, and more.
"When I knew my youngest son was on the road, I was nervous all the time. I was on edge,” says Ann Arbor Councilwoman Cynthia Harrison, who is a Black mother. Driven by her experiences, she introduced an ordinance to curb police stops for minor violations:
A Michigan City Ended Low-Level Traffic Stops. Now the County Could In the race for Washtenaw County sheriff, candidates want to limit unnecessary policing encounters and reduce fees from traffic enforcement.
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Clear answers to good questions about voting in France and the UK.
NEW: France and the U.K. are on the cusp of major elections, so we asked you to send us your questions on how voting works in these two countries. We chose 10 to answer — learn about runoffs, gerrymandering, registration, and much more.
How Voting Works in the U.K. and France: Your Questions On the eve of the French and British elections, <i>Bolts</i> responds to 10 reader questions on how they differ from the U.S. on voter registration, disenfranchisement, proxy voting, and more.
In a sharp contrast from the punitive measures used today, vagrancy laws at the founding of the country actually mandated support for the homeless community. “The founders would have been appalled by the behavior of Grants Pass,” one expert told Bolts:
“Designed to be Cruel”: How Grants Pass Will Ramp Up the Policing of The Supreme Court blessed bans on sleeping outdoors. In a <i>Bolts</i> roundtable, three experts explain that this may encourage aggressive policing over long-term housing solutions.
NEW: France and the U.K. are on the cusp of major elections, so we asked you to send us your questions on how voting works in these two countries. We chose 10 to answer — learn about runoffs, gerrymandering, registration, and much more.
How Voting Works in the U.K. and France: Your Questions On the eve of the French and British elections, <i>Bolts</i> responds to 10 reader questions on how they differ from the U.S. on voter registration, disenfranchisement, proxy voting, and more.
Wisconsinites this year are electing their 71 DAs, powerful county officials with wide discretion over who gets prosecuted to what degree of severity. But voters only have any choice in four of those elections.
For Wisconsin Prosecutors, Elections in Name DA candidates are running unopposed in nearly all Wisconsin counties this year, continuing a long streak of uncontested elections that cut off public debate on criminal justice issues.
Oklahoma's incarcerated survivors of domestic violence had given up hope when a bill giving them a shot at freedom was unexpectedly vetoed. But when a new version became law, the cheers in the prison “seemed even louder and more exuberant,” one woman said.
Oklahoma Gives Incarcerated Survivors of Domestic Violence A New Chance at The Oklahoma Survivors’ Act reduces sentences for people whose convictions stemmed from their abuse. It passed despite prosecutors’ objections and an initial veto by the governor.
Dennis Linthicum joined lawmakers from around the country in calling for an audit of the 2020 presidential election in all 50 states based on unspecified “fraud and irregularities.” Now he’s the GOP nominee to lead Oregon elections.
The Republican Nominee to Lead Oregon Elections Wants to Stop All Mail Dennis Linthicum spread unfounded claims about the 2020 election and sued to force Oregonians to vote in person. He’ll face Democrat Tobias Read in November to be secretary of state.
Do you value our work on local politics, criminal justice, and voting rights? It takes time and resources for our small team to produce it, and you can help! You can donate to Bolts—and even become a monthly subscriber.
Support We are a nonprofit publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change, from the local up, and we need reader support to build our journalism.
Minnesota became the latest state to eliminate prison gerrymandering last month. A new law will end the practice of counting incarcerated people where prisons are located, which skews political power within the state.
Minnesota Just Became The Latest State to Eliminate Prison A new law will end the practice of counting incarcerated people where prisons are located, which skews political power within the state.
Since Denver officials set up in-person voting in the city's jail, voter turnout has occasionally surpassed turnout in the city overall. Now, a new law mandates that polling places be instituted in jails across the rest of Colorado:
Colorado Adopts First-in-Nation Mandate for Voting Centers in People held in county jails typically retain the right to vote but face enormous hurdles to actually casting a ballot. Lawmakers passed a bill meant to remedy the issue.
FCI Dublin, where women were sexually abused by guards, medical staff, and even the warden, was finally closed this year. But the vast majority of women were transferred to other facilities that also have a history of abuse by guards.
“What’s More Extraordinary and Compelling?” Women who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of guards at a notorious federal prison in California are now seeking compassionate release.
The Delaware supreme court this morning restored state laws that set up early voting and permanent absentee voting; the justices overturning a lower court decision that had struck down those laws.
Del. Supreme Court restores early voting access and permanent absentee The Delaware Supreme Court heard the case on an expedited basis ahead of the state’s September primary election.
Women who survived sexual abuse at FCI Dublin continue to face retaliation for their reports even after the facility’s closure. Lawyers are fighting for compassionate release, and have already secured it for 17 survivors:
“What’s More Extraordinary and Compelling?” Women who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of guards at a notorious federal prison in California are now seeking compassionate release.