
NEW A Washington Post investigation found hundreds of law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually exploited kids. Many avoid prison time. Gift Link:
Abused by the Hundreds of police officers in the United States have sexually abused children, a Post investigation found. In many cases, the officers have avoided prison time.
They could have just read ‘s years long Twitter and Bluesky threads calling this out.
I'm honestly impressed by the sheer quantity. My Twitter thread of cops doing sex crimes involving children was only about ~400ish cases long spanning 2021-24 It takes *effort* to catalogue 1,800+ taxpayer-funded pedos with guns
Here's 1,300 Republican operatives. 75% of politicians arrested for sex crimes involving minors in the last year have been Republican. Be great if maybe the news at some point covered that.
I understand that its very important to the billionaires who own the news that they have a fair shot at another multi-trillion-dollar tax break to spend on stock buybacks. But the people who have to live in America and whose kids have to live in America would maybe appreciate the coverage.
Much of the data I collected in 2023, messing up my mental health, got folded into "who is making the news." Bless her for continuing what fucked me up.
Teachers who had their way with their pupils at my boarding school in the 80s didn't even start being prosecuted until 2016. I can't articulate how much I appreciate the work you and she have done. The only thing that can ever kill this is the truth.
How many of them, including all of the political stripes, were women, trans, or drag performers? My guess is zero. I'm not even psychic.
Close. Out of over ten thousand reported crimes, there was one drag performer. Numerals, 1. Along with an average of two men of the cloth a day for the last year.
That thread was a strong influence on my view on cops. Being a white dude, all my interactions with cops have been drama-free. Between Greg's excellent thread and other social media posts, I came to understand how a wide swath of people don't trust cops at all.
Thx for the gift link but what a crock of shit from WaPo. Even with the gift link, I can't read bc I used to sub to WaPo. And now that I have signed back in with my email, I'm getting emails saying I'm re-signed up for emails from them so I'll be sent more stories I can't read unless I sub again.
Just had to go unsubscribe from their newsletters again. 🙄
Too often I hear people say “we should cut them a break, they are cops.” This is what happens when you have no consequences and give a free pass to cops for everything.