haden steward

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haden steward


woke lib
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
It is remarkable to me that when they ever deign to name a specific complaint that requires them to overthrow American society (ie, a “revolution”) it’s always something like faculty senates or website DEI statements or calorie counts on menus.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Makes you think! Way fewer stories about email servers this year despite Trump having far worse lapses of email open records protocol and stealing classified docs! Wonder why it stopped mattering all of a sudden! bsky.app/profile/dodg...
Email redux
Do I really have to wash my bedding weekly or can it be every two weeks?
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
not much to say that i haven't already said, but this week's opinions really drive home that we're in crisis. chevron's out, bribery is in, coups are good, air pollution can't be regulated because of freedom or something.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
They think they're gods
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
biden is raspy and stumbling and it is bad. trump is actually incoherent but he sounds confident. no idea how this will land
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
The thing about authoritarian fucking demagogues is that they can just make shit up and promise “it’d all be different with me in charge.” And it’s very easy to make that sound appealing.
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​“Forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won’t.” Octavia Butler #bvm
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Can we go one damn presidential election without everyone talking about the Kennedy Nixon debate when debate time rolls around?
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
It would be super cool if the tech media would simply stop credulously repeating every value-juicing statement C-Suites make like they’re the in-house PR department. The only difference between these hollow promises and the guy crying, “The end is near!” on the street corner is funding.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
If the Founders had wanted this country to be a theocracy, seems like they probably would've mentioned it in the actual Constitution, right? Or if they spaced on it, maybe in the Bill of Rights a few years later? Oh, but you found a quote from one of them in a private letter? Cool. Cool cool cool.
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Cat : I am old and tired and need rest Me: you can rest after I give you this antibiotic Cat: I am young and spry and can jump to the top of the armoire
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
we’ll gather our grandchildren around and try to tell them what it was like to live in the last days of Chevron deference
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
They also held, 6-3, that it was okay for a football coach to hold mandatory prayers by pretending that he wasn't doing that
if you think this is definitely going to be held unconstitutional, please note that in 2019 the Supreme Court held that a giant cross on public land did not violate the Constitution
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Jun 19th 2084 - After Douglas Quaid removes a tracking device buried deep in his head, he travels to Mars disguised as a woman. 📽️📅 Total Recall (1990)
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Yes, if you don’t like the choice between Trump and Biden, think of it as picking between Stephen Miller and Pete Buttigieg, Steve Bannon and Deb Haaland, Michael Flynn and Lina M. Khan, Alex Jones and Jessica Rosenworcel, or Brett Kavanaugh and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Both sides are not “the same”
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
that you view opposition to second trump term as a “biden fandom” is staggering, it’s like you think dobbs etc have no consequences worth caring about
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
You can feel the emotion in this photo, taken this afternoon. On a human level, the conviction of his only surviving son has to be gutting for Joe Biden. (Andrew Caballero/AFP via Getty)
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
This is why Biden is "Different" and an obviously better choice than Trump. If you can't understand that, I have no idea what to tell you and we're all screwed.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Do people who post viral complaints about the cost of Taco Bell meals understand that they are part of a propaganda effort designed to weaken the US labor market (only in part in order to weaken Biden and the Dems and get Trump reelected)? bsky.app/profile/walm...
It's beautiful that the media has figured out they can alternate between "inflation down, possibly bad for jobs?" and "jobs up, possibly bad for inflation?" until America elects Trump again for them.
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I've wanted to paint a Zelda piece for years but I had to wait until I had an idea truly worth doing. (arttag)
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Reposted byAvatar haden steward
I think the hype over AI was tbh a lot more understandable than the hype over crypto or the metaverse. The thing that was surprising to me (and I assume others) about generative AI is that it seems to have not gotten any better over the last 18 months and weirdly has actually gotten actively worse?
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Please stop referring to Telegram as an "encrypted app" that is somehow equivalent to Signal. All Signal messages are end-to-end encrypted by default. The only end-to-end encrypted messages on Telegram are one-to-one messages where you have specifically turned end-to-end encryption on.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Donald Trump: *dies* Biden Campaign: Voters want to hear about the candidates’ policy positions, not whether or not they are alive.
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
when people say "Elon's ownership doesn't affect me, I just use the chronological feed" they elide the other side of this which is that which of your posts the site shows are chosen by the nazis now.
Why are Dems still posting at the Nazi site?? Pressley with 1M followers is getting buried by the algorithm & only 22k views. Just quit!
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Why are Dems still posting at the Nazi site?? Pressley with 1M followers is getting buried by the algorithm & only 22k views. Just quit!
Reposted byAvatar haden steward
Reminder that all the same people who are touting AI as an inevitable future today were touting Metaverse as the inevitable future just 3 years ago
a friend of mine who works at the Apple store says sales of the much-touted Vision Pro have ground to a halt and that there have been a lot of returns. Steve Jobs would have never green-lit this product