
"I would vote for a sack of potatoes before I voted for Trump" Okay but like, do you think the broader electorate would do that? Do you think a sack of potatoes would have the best odds of defeating Trump? Do you think it would be the best TACTICAL decision to run a sack of potatoes against Trump?
Like there literally is no argument here. It's not arguing that Biden is actually a good president. It's not arguing that he is the best person to defeat Trump. The inability of Libs to see material reality is quite mind boggling. It's just grand standing.
Okay you'd vote for a sack of potatoes. Have fun losing with that strategy and die mad about it. If you genuinely think Biden is the best man for the job and are voting for HIM on moral grounds that is one thing. But comparing him to a sack of potatoes? What are we doing here?
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...