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🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 From the River to the Sea, 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Palestine Will Be Free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

"Well what's YOUR solution? A revolution?" *rolls eyes* I don't know, Comrade. I'm not claiming to be Lenin leading the vanguard against the Tsar. But I do know that recognizing the material reality of the world we live in is the first step to finding an answer.
"I would vote for a sack of potatoes before I voted for Trump" Okay but like, do you think the broader electorate would do that? Do you think a sack of potatoes would have the best odds of defeating Trump? Do you think it would be the best TACTICAL decision to run a sack of potatoes against Trump?
Gets mad at leftists for correctly identifying that our institutions are the very problem that makes project 2025 possible. Throws temper tantrum when confronted with why those institutions are bad.
like honestly the way some leftists talk really aligns to the project 2025 ethos of “destroy every institution”
What comfy Libs with their comfy lives don't understand: the majority of this country is struggling. And they don't give a shit about your institutions. They're not debate club civics nerds. All they know is that their life sucks. Only one party is acknowledging that: The Republicans.
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A way I found useful to understand "horseshoe theory" is that it's akin to a king viewing a peasant revolt and a coup by rival nobles as exactly the same. In both cases the king loses power, their only concern, so they reason the motives and outcomes behind both things *must* be the same.
Democrats are doing "I'm with Her" all over again. Expecting us to pity vote Biden into office because he's such a good boy who turned in all his homework. Like it's our duty to massage these freaks' egos. "She's with Us" was the sentiment 2016 needed, and it's the same again in 2024.
To every Democratic primary voter that voted for Biden in 2020 because he was more "electable" than Bernie Sanders: How's that working out for you?
Americans: My life sucks. Democrats: Um actually your life doesn't suck. If you look at the economic data and stock market predictors blah blah blah Republicans: Yeah your life sucks and it's because of immigrants and trans people. This is how fascism wins votes.
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I am calling him mr pickles and you can’t stop me
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I hope everyone is enjoying America's last birthday.
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"Trying to make the most out of the system"? WHAT are you talking about? The system is a cruel monstrosity designed to further evil. When that is what the system is, you don't try to "get the most" out of it, you fight against it until it's torn down.
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Joe Biden does not actually support a two-state solution or desire a ceasefire. He SAYS he does because it's what he's "supposed to" say, but none of his actions correspond with that. You are being lied to, very obviously so, and you believe it because you want to.
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I'll just add that I voted for the Democrat in every local/state/fed election since I could vote. And it has gotten me a party full of people like you, who would not trade their comfort for our lives. You're scared? Welcome to every day of my life since Sept 11, 2001.
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(youth pastor voice) You know who else fought the Devil down in Georgia?
As much as I want Biden to drop out, the thought of the unbearable cringe that will come from libbed up K-Hive posts about Mamala is almost enough for me to say "fuck it, I'd rather just let Trump win." Coconut emojis in Twitter handles incoming. 🥥🥥🥥
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We’re watching an empire commit suicide, as loyal Democratic voters blame everyone but the party. They will scream at us, though all we did was warn them of their own folly.
Stop condescendingly blaming American voters for these problems and start blaming the people with actual fucking power. If Americans are tuned out of politics, I don't blame them. They have no good options. They are fucked every which way. Why would they care who is in office?
72% of Americans think Biden is medically unfit for office. And you're telling me that running him is the best tactical decision to win what you yourselves are calling the most important election of our lifetimes? Truly you have not only learned nothing from 2016 but somehow actually gotten worse.
Liberals absolute lack of any historical or political understanding outside of distorted American high school history classes is going to be the doom of us. Go look at how Hitler rose to power. We are living in fucking Weimar Germany. Go read Lenin. We are on the precipice of hell.
Here's the deal Libs: it doesn't matter how morally correct you are when Trump wins and becomes a god king. We are talking about tactics here, not morals. Biden has a serious chance of losing. Fucking replace him. I don't care if he's better than Trump. I want to win.
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Conservative SCOTUS justices gave Biden a free pass to do whatever the fuck he wants until the election because they know he’s bitch made and won’t do shit.
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Nope. He is gonna do nothing. As usual. Go take a nap Mr President
Biden's gonna give remarks on the SCOTUS ruling. If he announces that he plans to use his new found power to assassinate Trump and arrest the Justices, I will take it all back and vote for him.
Biden's gonna give remarks on the SCOTUS ruling. If he announces that he plans to use his new found power to assassinate Trump and arrest the Justices, I will take it all back and vote for him.
Vote for Biden if you want. But don't tell me that voting for Biden is going to save Democracy. If you think Democrats are going to do anything to fix this, you have not been paying attention. Best case scenario, a second Biden term would simply kick the Fascism can down the road four years.
Looking at the Democratic party right now and screaming "DO something you fucking cowards!!" This is the most frustrating shit in the world to watch. If democracy is on the line then TAKE ACTION. But instead we are just gonna get smarmy condescending lectures about voting. 🙄
Liberalism created the conditions for Fascism to rise, and it is wholly incapable of combating it. We live in dark times.
The Supreme Court just ruled that the President can legally order assassinations of political rivals. We live in hell.
And cue Democrats blaming the media for their inevitable election loss in 3... 2...