
Being extremely sick for an extremely long time means losing the capacity to desire, not out of depression but out of self preservation. Letting yourself emote about the future when there’s no end in sight to the suffering of the present = opening yourself up to a thousandfold more suffering
Simone asks what Dianna misses the most. Kyle: It's really difficult to put herself in that position of wanting, healing is not linear, tomorrow she could start getting better or worse. You have to just treat each day as it is. If she were better, she'd engage with all her friends, and go on a hike
And yet, like Kyle says, you also have to hold the unassailable belief that you’ll get better. It’s not so much a hope or a desire because that opens you up to emotion which opens you up to the opposite of hope, i.e. fear. It’s just a truth that you’re always holding in the back of your mind.