emily fraser 🌿🐌✨

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emily fraser 🌿🐌✨


Former doc filmmaker/cinematographer/teacher, current full-time sick person, occasional poet
Do not obey in advance.
Being extremely sick for an extremely long time means losing the capacity to desire, not out of depression but out of self preservation. Letting yourself emote about the future when there’s no end in sight to the suffering of the present = opening yourself up to a thousandfold more suffering
Simone asks what Dianna misses the most. Kyle: It's really difficult to put herself in that position of wanting, healing is not linear, tomorrow she could start getting better or worse. You have to just treat each day as it is. If she were better, she'd engage with all her friends, and go on a hike
Hey folks! Diana the Physics Girl, who's been ill with severe Long COVID and ME/CFS for a couple years now, is doing an all-day livestream of what her life is like, with really interesting pre-recorded interviews playing alongside! www.youtube.com/live/v8HWt9g...
Physics Girl LIVE with long Covidwww.youtube.com Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
Happy Disability Pride Month! Disabled people are people and deserve opportunity, access, inclusion, and justice. If you are an able bodied person, can you make a commitment this month to educate yourself on disability justice? Here's a good place to start: www.sinsinvalid.org
Sins Invalidwww.sinsinvalid.org Sins Invalid is a disability justice performance project that centers people of color, queers, nonbinary and trans people with disabilities.
One of the most immediate material differences you can make in your life and the lives of the people in your communities is to commit to wearing a mask again. It will profoundly positively affect everyone you come into contact with and tangibly make this world safer for all of us.
The world sucks and things are bad but hey, you know what you can do right now to make things easier on yourself and others? Wear a face mask. We have to be alive to fight back.
#MECFS is commonly diagnosed in kids 10-19, & in adults, ~late 20s to late 30s: a bimodal distribution. Anecdotally, some kids with ME/CFS who recover have a 'second' onset at the second spike. About half of folks who have #LongCOVID meet #MECFS criteria. 🧪
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
remember when they told us kids weren’t really affected by covid so they could get everyone back to school and their parents to work and now everyone’s immune system is fucked and everyone’s sick all the time cuz no one is putting two and two together and that train just keeps rolling without brakes
The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to knowwww.abc.net.au They're losing their formative years to this debilitating disease. But for too many children with long COVID, finding help is a frustrating and traumatic process that leaves them feeling isolated and ...
In cased you missed it, my buddies Don and Kate have a running streak of posting roses at each other that they discover around town, and it's quite enjoyable
Some somewhat scraggly #roses bit with very nice colouring, latest salvo in #Toronto’s East End vs West End #WaroftheRoses #flowers #plants
I read a journal article showing every dollar donated to advocacy yields 25+ research dollars. Where we donate matters! What climate change advocacy orgs do you donate to? (And: www.meaction.net/donate to fuel our work on infection-associated chronic illness, if you haven't lately!)
Fun fact: did you know that effort, policy, campaigning and activism directed towards climate change results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and lower fossil fuel use Giving fossil fuel fatalism the middle finger works really nicely :) :) climateactiontracker.org/blog/eus-gre...
Donate - #MEAction Networkwww.meaction.net
I sincerely hope I'm preaching to the choir here, but in case I'm not: WEAR A FUCKING MASK. The more people wear them, the harder it is for violent assholes to feel comfortable doing absolutely awful shit like this. Right now, wearing a mask in public spaces is actually radical and noncomformist.
I've been debating posting about this but @crockettforreal.bsky.social was attacked yesterday for wearing a face mask. He was shoulder-checked down an escalator & sustained a concussion. The hate those of us trying to protect ourselves get- is completely out of control & it makes me so goddamn sad.
Hey fellow folks who are still at zero covid infections-- Evidently this survey could use some more control responses, let's help them out please. 🙏
Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks. @violetblue.bsky.social thought you may want to boost. covid-long.com
Johns Hopkins COVID Long Studycovid-long.com The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is conducting research about the COVID-19 pandemic. Participate in this one-time, 10-15 minute survey.
Thank you to Pleiades for publishing my snarky little CDC hate poem 🖤
If you try to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized, things improve for everyone. And that ought to be the starting point for all of our work in communities.
ME is a global health crisis. And millions more are getting sick following COVID-19 infections. It is estimated more than 55 million people worldwide are living with the debilitating effects of this condition. #GlobalVoiceForME #WorldMEDay
World ME Dayworldmealliance.org When pushing harder can make you sicker... Will you #LearnFromME this May 12th?
How #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis shrinks your world... Illustration by Kornelia Paulsen #pwME #MillionsMissing #WorldMEDay #MEAwarenessDay
This week’s #FlowerReport courtesy of my twice monthly trip out of my apartment for medical appointments. I usually share pics my husband has snapped for me— getting to see flowers in person is a rare treat because #MECFS is such a monster! #MEAwarenessDay
Saw some aurora last night outside Waterloo, Ontario! It was amazing! There’s a nice explanation of the physics here: www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topi... Essentially: Sun blasts us with charged particles, magnetic field funnels them to poles, particles zap atmospheric gases and make them glow.
I think, in this rapidly changing world where many choices we may have thought we had will be foreclosed, it’s probably worth cultivating curiosity and wonder about wherever we land.
“What is it going to take for researchers to take ME seriously?” she and her colleagues often wondered aloud. The morbid answer, they hypothesized, was a pandemic. 🧪(2/) time.com/5897992/long... #MECFS #LongCOVID
Studying Long-Haul Coronavirus Could Bring Benefits—and Recognition—to Forgotten Patientst.co Sufferers of the contested illness ME/CFS may benefit
This months #millionsmissingflowers is a pattern inspired by Campanula patula & Moneses uniflora which are both endangered in the UK. This pattern was created in honour of two severe ME patients Millie and Carla who are both currently in hospital struggling to get the treatment they need.
(A few days late but just in time for #FlowerReport!) On the last day of the month ppl w/ #MECFS & our allies are invited to share art of endangered flowers to call attention to ME & these often ignored victims of the extinction crisis. #millionsmissingflowers #togetherendangered
We need your help getting Long Covid into the FY25 budget! By May 7th please ask your Senators to sign onto the letter from Senator Markey, Kaine, & Duckworth calling for $1B+ in LC research funding Call guide here: longcovidmoonshot.com/call-guide/
Long Covid Moonshotlongcovidmoonshot.com
It's important to understand that we are living in a moment when terrible things are being increasingly normalized. MK and I talk about this in Let This Radicalize You. People who reject atrocity will be increasingly criminalized and vilified in popular narratives. It's already happening.
They’re never going to stop. In 2074, “Covid lockdowns to blame for mass starvation & climate war”
This is so beyond infuriatingly embarrassingly bad
This is so beyond infuriatingly embarrassingly bad