
People getting AWFULLY excited about Pogs margin a few days in. Remember last year when he looked absolutely imperious? Not saying he's gonna crack, but I AM saying it's the Tour and it's not over yet
I'm firmly in the camp that the Stage 7 TT will tell us a lot. If Jonas throws down a scorcher we're in for a good race. Maybe it's copium, but I like to think Jonas will ride into form. He only lost 9 seconds on the climb. I think the descent losses were partly post-crash hesitancy.
I don't think Jonas is out by any means, but I think barring a crash, Tadej is unstoppable. This brings me no pleasure as I think both riders are kind of boring. I want there to be upsets and surprises galore. But I think he was so pissed about his performance last year that he's hell bent.
I assume by boring you simply mean domination. Because Tadej is so fun to watch! Always attacking, etc. When they go head-to-head it's truly a treat because otherwise they have no one who is their equal.
I actually “like” Jonas more because he’s such an odd duck and he looks like Macaulay Culkin if you squint a little
Hahaha this is on point. I like him too and I've never found him boring either. The guy races with heart and isn't afraid to take risks. We are lucky to have them BOTH at the same time.
I think Jonas is probably the best “week 3” guy ever and one of the best climbers of all time. Tadej has somehow turned “so anyway I started blasting” into the most dominant careers in cycling history. We are truly blessed
Indeed. I think Jonas being a week 3 guy is what gives me a little optimism. One scenario is he keeps the gap close and rides into form for week 3 when Tadej is more fatigued. Or, Jonas simply doesn't have enough training and can't handle the additional GT load. Like I said, TT will tell us a lot
Absolutely. I really don’t think Jonas has it to win - it’s one thing to break a collarbone or something, but puncturing a lung is something else entirely. I’m glad he’s racing, and I genuinely hope he has a good result, and that he at least smashes Remco.
Yeah it's kind of a miracle he's even out there. I'm also hoping Roglic can also beat Remco. I don't dislike Remco as much as some others; I just love Roglic.
I like Roglics interviews more when he loses, but watching him roast Remco for bonus seconds over three weeks would be extremely gratifying
Him beating Remco into 4th by like 13 seconds would be amazing.