Gravel Influencer

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Gravel Influencer

I ride my bike, get angry at cars, eat baked goods, and make sure Gus is well fed. I hail from the best state in New England.
They don’t have the capacity for follow ups or in-depth questions because they don’t do the work anymore. The Washington beat isn’t policy, it’s gossip. They’re not journalists; they’re courtiers.
George got to the point of asking, "C'mon? Fer realz? Are you sure?"
Something that really annoys me is that if Stephanopoulos wanted to make this about Biden's cognitive ability, then he could have asked pointed and substantive questions about policy. Make Biden get into details, and put him on the spot. That would have had actual value for voters.
20 minutes of uninterrupted time with the President and not a single policy question. What a missed opportunity to actually educate people.
My mom (who is Biden's age) sent panicked texts during the debate and is now sending texts about Stephanopoulos being a jerk who only asked about Biden's age and nothing of substance.
I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
Every time someone claims immunocompromised people can’t take the COVID vaccine, more of my hair turns gray. It is the opposite — People who are immunocompromised need different, bigger and more frequent dosing than the rest of us to elicit an immune response.
Fuck you Jonathan Karl. That is all.
Trailering a canoe behind a cargo bike makes for a long vehicle. But it works better than strapping it to the top of a car. #CarryShitOlympics
The audio on this ABC interview is absolutely atrocious.
I don't have a link to the video (other than one to the Twitter account that shared it) but here he is at the steps of Air Force One this afternoon is Wisconsin.
Asked the mechanic at my local bike shop if he had an opinion on a particular brand of saddle bag. He said, "No, I don't use those because I make my own." Now I have one of his handmade bags!
This is unserious. Why don’t we talk about how the media selectively edits Trump quotes and refuses to talk about all the speeches and rallies Biden has done since the debate. The narrative apparently can’t fail
Democratic Party electeds and operatives are freaking out because they watched the first debate along with 50 million Americans and saw a man with obvious signs of cognitive decline. Biden’s arrogant and slow response, along with the terrible polling, has made things worse since.
I have some brand spanking new presidential #debate opinions for an outlet willing to print them: Donald trump is a fucking rapist who will enact fascism in the United States.
Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil
My local TV news just ran a two-minute piece about Maura Healey's comments on Biden and tagged it with a banal note that Trump "spoke to veterans" today. Nothing else. Local TV news is absolutely failing political coverage right now and it's a huge issue.
I think we should take all the political reporters from the NY Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, etc., and reassign them to small towns across America desperate for local journalism. It'll be like a Teach for America thing, and they can re-learn how to be journalists.
The Boston in me is like… what do you think would happen if that thing Storrowed?
long island, baby
Having established myself as a bona fide summer hater and someone with seasonal mood issues in the spring and summer I feel the need to say that it is too early for Halloween stuff in stores and don't even think about Christmas.
anyone have experience signing lead compliance agreements with rentals? not that i had a choice - i just signed a lead inspection for my new apartment saying i’d keep it up to that level of “mild lead remains” (aka, if the paint chips and i fix it, i have to have it re-certified myself?).
You can use the Paprika app to grab NYT recipes from behind the firewall if you’re not logged in. Just saying.
This does it. When I get on my computer, I will cancel my subscription despite the good recipes.
The extent to which the political press is essentially retconning the entire Trump administration is mind-boggling.
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
"Are you ready to eat bugs and give up air conditioning?" Project 2025 is obviously terrifying but Paul Dans is just so weird. Anyways, listen to Robin Young trying to have a good faith discussion with someone who operates only in bad faith.
What's in Project 2025, the conservative plan to reshape the government? The conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation has offered Project 2025, a plan to dramatically reshape federal agencies, reducing their independence and giving more power to the president.
I also think it has to do with who complains. If you drive to a store or restaurant, you might tell the manager, “Ugh, parking sucks around here.” If you walk, bike or take transit, you probably don’t say anything. That leads to business owners believing that all their customers drive.
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
Teleprompter attacks are silly. People should generally know that reading and then speaking effectively off a teleprompter is actually quite difficult and takes a lot of skill and practice. Source: Have read off a teleprompter many times and ran teleprompters for years as a TV producer
So Remco says he didn't actually have a puncture, just heard a concerning sound. I wonder if that cost him anything in the last few K.
Getting a bit frustrating to see people on here say over and over again “why doesn’t Biden just use his new power under Trump v US to appoint 4 new SCOTUS justices and then they can fix everything?” I don’t want to defend Trump v US, but people owe it to themselves to understand why it’s bad.
TIRED: “Democracy Dies in Darkness” WIRED: “Die, Die, My Democracy!”