
Despite my obvious contempt for Biden, I still think everyone should vote for him in November. I’m fucking begging everyone to vote. Christian nationalist government is a very real physical threat to basically every LGBTQ person except for maybe the Peter Thiels of the world.
(And I wouldn’t be surprised if Peter Thiel ended up in a prison camp anyway once they consolidate power)
Just look what happened to Ernst Röhm when he outlived his usefulness.
They like to do that, yeah.
I dunno who needs to hear it but we don't need to be convinced of the danger if Trump wins. What we do need to be convinced of is that Biden will actually fight for us instead of rolling over and letting Republicans have whatever they want because he loves Mitch McConnell. That's the problem.
Lots of people defending criticism of Biden being "too old" or "did bad in the debates" or other trivial shit I could really care less about. My single issue: What is Biden going to do to protect us from Republicans? I want folks to answer that, because his past performance has been _abysmal_.
Replacing the evil Republican with someone who will give the Republicans everything they want is not a great strategy, but that's the situation the Democrats have once again Kobayashi Maru'd themselves into, and it shouldn't be unreasonable to demand better from them.
Like, if I compromise my principles (again!) and hold my nose and vote for Biden out of desperation and he loses, am I (again!) going to be blamed for his loss? Seems the real responsibility is the Democrats thinking the guy who eked out a win by a 1% margin last time was the best they could do.
If the danger is so great and our situation is so dire, people should be demanding better from the Democrats than the guy who only won by a perilously slim margin in 2020 and loves to tell us Mitch McConnell is his BFF. If Biden wins, they'll go back to brunch and we'll be back to this in 2028.
The only difference is that in 2028 our situation will be so much more perilous because we'll have had another four years of Biden giving Republicans everything they want and folks who are okay with slow fascism endlessly telling us it's Not The Right Time To Change. I'm so tired.
I'm younger than Stonewall, and I've seen multiple raids on my queer social spaces in my lifetime. Any safety we have is fragile enough. This election is fucking *existential* to our community. Right-wingers in power are out for literal blood, and have said so openly. Our lives DO depend on this.
Everyone who is comfortable needs to get trained and armed. Even if Biden wins, things are going to get grim.
As any Transgender Christian, it not only will affect me as a trans person, but it could drastically affect my faith. By creating legalized persection of non "trumpist" worship. Trump is an or the anti-christ.