
I was including votes shifting to non-votes. But that still needs explanation too. I don’t think it’s obvious that a bunch of Biden leaners will, because of one debate, decide letting Trump win is preferable.
If 30k in MI is a bunch. Then it does.
No, I get that. What I’m asking is why we should/do believe that Biden remaining the candidate makes this happen.
I don’t *know* for certain anything. The debate reinforces a stereotype about age. One which I’ve rejected but seems prevalent. It appears he will not refuse the nomination. Another candidate definitely might not be able to get enthusiasm and full base support. The MSM will torture them.
The only thing that seems clear is that the MSM won’t question the fitness of Trump or take the threat of his candidacy seriously.
Asking whether a candidate is cognitively competent is perfectly acceptable and not ageist. On a personal note I think both of these guys are compromised.
It’s acceptable. It’s not being asked of Trump. Treating his age as determinative rather than actual competencies which is what they have been doing is bad. The debate’s aftermath has given me the seeds of concern there’s something there (maybe just poor judgement). I’m Blue No Matter Who.
At the end of the day I would personally take Bidens incompetence over Trumps worse incompetence. But I do think that many voters don’t feel this way and ignoring that is a really bad idea.