Jean-Francois Daoust

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Jean-Francois Daoust

Prof | democracy, behaviour, public opinion, methods, comparative/🇨🇦/Québec politics | Editor PloS One |
I'll give a talk at Bishop's University next week! And my jacket matches the poster 😂 "Is Quebec independence still key in making 🇨🇦 elections?" Thanks for the invitation!
We're shortlisted for this piece at Political Studies Review! "Are People More Satisfied with Democracy When They Feel They Won the Election? No" with @carolinaplescia @ablais_ Two cheers for very short article with null results The other papers on this list seems fantastic! 👇
Here's a blog post from Chris Wlezien and I, on understanding the gap between current public economic perceptions and current economic conditions (which may matter for the 2024 election)!
First presentation at #SPSA2024: Do sexual minorities participate more in politics? 🏳️‍🌈🗳️ Friday 9:30am-10:50am
Drop us an email for your (self)-nominations! Best article in Pol Behavior Award committee
Did you publish an article in Political Behavior in calendar year 2023? Was it the *best* article published in PB in calendar year 2023?? Please submit to find out! 😉 I'm on the committee with and Self-nominations encouraged!
Who's going to SPSA next week? 👀 It'll be my first time in New Orleans, Louisiana. Any must-do, recommendations?
My grandmother would have celebrated her birthday yesterday. She had to drop out before even finishing her *primary* education and worked hard in St-Michel's shops (Mtl) at 10 years old. She gave me the will to finish high school. And I think of her before every University lecture that I give.
"Can citizens' assemblies revitalise municipal democracy?" 🚨 We organized a citizens’ assembly in Longueuil (06/2023) on democratic reforms at the municipal level.🗳️ Here's a brief summary of the experiment👇 W Blais, & Fournier
Received the *physical copy* of the tiny book Elections and Satisfaction with Democracy ! @CUP_PoliSci Link to the book:
hello world will try to switch from twitter to this new place!
End of feed.