Nick Cz

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Nick Cz

Director | Director of Photography
Reposted byAvatar Nick Cz
Since I never turn my phone off, when I have to or restart it, I take an average of 3 screenshots..
Life can be wonderful. Life can also be shit. Be there for people.
Missing the mountains
Was running this morning, like I do, and a man comes out of the woods, onto the sidewalk swinging a skateboard back and forth. I jumped over a curb to avoid him... tripped.. fell right onto my face. Was super fun, you should try.
New stickers are in .
I haven't had a donut and I don't know how long. I can't even remember. Happy donut day I guess
I was served a video of Travis pastrana jumping a river in his rally car. And I just think that whole thing is over for me, the big stunt shit. It's so over-engineered that the risk is so calculated. So not as exciting as it seemed in the past.
Here's a nice place in NY state I visited a few years ago.
I've been exercising regularly since Dec. Riding inside and running, splitting it up. Can't ride right now because of an impact injury. But all of a sudden I am running 30 miles a week.
I should note. I never really watched HR until I got a garmin watch for running. I just rode by feel all those years.
Fellow lifelong endurance sports doers. How has your max heart rate changed over the years? if it has at all? Wondering because mine has stayed the same and wondering if I should chiiillllll..
For the sake of my children. Can we please stop calling cars and boats her or she?
remember when a billion dollars wasn't real? Now every construction project I see pop up is at leas that much.
This photo popped up in my memory and made me mostly realize that I'm writing a 10-year-old road bike. lolololol
2 months of zwifting & not so bad. Pretty easy to stay motivated with the workouts. Can't do the freeride, boring Been at it 4 days a week. Been ice skating 3-4 days a week & today I added stick practice on ice. So skated twice today. Either going to be solid and fit or explode from overuse. Lol
Can a person be pro-environmentalism and pro-snowmaking for skiing? I feel like no, because of the waste and toll snowmaking takes on the local land. Am I missing something?
My youngest has been shooting sports for her college for 1/2 a semester and she's kicking ass. Proud Dad. Check out her work:
Brookelynn Czerula Photo – Photography and
Keep getting memory pop ups from yeeeaars ago about me riding my bike on rollercam.
Buddy in the backyard
Never forget winter in Cambridge, Ma. 2011.
I posted this. Then this morning got an email from someone trying to sell me lenses, to an email I don't share. Fuck people that sell emails.
Millennials can't afford to buy houses because they all have special flare anas.
Millennials can't afford to buy houses because they all have special flare anas.
Remember, BITD, when peers would help peers, so they could grow their careers. Now people do one thing mediocrely and want you to join a patreon to hear about how they did it. LOLlll2024 and beyond.
Avatar I can't believe I saw you on zwift today. I'm going to be at 99% sure cuz you got cap city cycle across your name. Lol How is it? There's 5000 people and you're around me. Haha