Andrew Dessler

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Andrew Dessler

Prof of Atmospheric Sciences & climate scientist @ Texas A&M; AGU and AAAS Fellow; Native Texan; find out what I think at
I'm sure it's condensation. Are you in a humid place? Or maybe the plane is just humid inside.
surprisingly good meteorology joke in WaPo's review of Twisters www.washingtonpost.c...
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Dessler
The “magic of the marketplace” fails here: “power outages cost energy corporations very little money — maybe a few days’ revenue. Hardening energy infrastructure, on the other hand, is very expensive and entirely paid for by the energy corporations. This cuts into their profits and stock price.”
Austin Public Library is fantastic. Better book selection than Houston, more copies so shorter waits, and you can check out audiobooks for 3 weeks vs. 2 for Houston (which works better for me).
Yeah, the downside of a swamp cooler is that it humidifies, which can make the cooler temperatures less comfortable. It does work well in some places (my parents had one in Tucson) but I always cringe when I see it being sold in places I KNOW it won't work, like the Gulf Coast
That's a really good question. I doubt that chatGPT has trained on my book b/c it can't answer questions about my book and it hallucinates an answer. e.g., this is wrong
but unscrupulous AI developers will inevitably get a PDF and train off it. really not sure what to do ...
What fresh hell is this? Looking for feedback on this. Yea or nay? I do get paid, but probably not much.
The only way to cool air w/o venting waste heat outside is to change the phase (usually of water). That's what a swamp cooler does, but that only works in places where it's very dry.
Yes, the hot air has to be vented outside of the area you want to cool.
Thermodynamics 101 failure. Why is this "spot cooler" not actually cooling the area? In fact, it's warming it.
Tbh, I feel like I’m “mid career”
I don’t know how it happened but I seem to have gone from an early career scientist to “the old guy” in the blink of an eye.
Yes, this idea is really about the second one of these. I think the density-temperature issue is reasonably well known.
Climate reporters 🚨 story idea 🚨 when I flew out of Newark yesterday, the plane was delayed bc it was too hot to board, so United obviously has temp limits where they won’t board the plane. This was something that literally never occurred to me.
A great story would be to ask United about that: when did that first occur? what’s their temp limit and how often does it occur now? In fact, if you can get data on that, I’d love to take a look and see what the implications of future warming are for delays.
I'm sympathetic, but it's a losing battle, like "data is" vs. "data are"
New data set alert! TAMU @tamu_atmo MESACLIP (formerly iHESP) data is available on AWS. This is a 500-year pre-industrial control run of high-resolution version of CESM2, with 25-km land and 10-km ocean resolution. This is an unprecedented model run.
What’s your superpower? Mine: After talking with someone for 30 seconds, I can determine if they’re Canadian.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Dessler
"there’s nothing the “we’ll adapt” crowd is less interested in than paying to help people adapt" 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Can we air condition our way out of extreme heat? A primer on air conditioning from The Climate Brink www.theclimatebrink....
Can we air condition our way out of extreme heat? part 1: a primer on air conditioning
As the hurricane came through the region, I got an extreme heat warning. That’s Texas! And climate change!
Fun thermodynamics fact: if you want your house to be 75F and the outside temperature rises from 96F to 100F, your air conditioner will consume 42% more power.
I was OK with facial recognition until they started using it on cattle.