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I am especially sorry that @davekarpf.bsky.social will have to read this but it had to be said. slate.com/news-and-pol...
I wrote about genocide - its meaning, its limitations as a legal and political instrument, and how it might or might not apply to what's happening in Gaza, for Slate.
The Limits of the Word “Genocide”slate.com The term is 80 years old. Everyone is still fighting over its meaning.
Me hoping we can all pick a platform soon because I’ve been working so hard the whole day.
I was told by @davekarpf.bsky.social to just post and have fun and not worry about my lost Twitter followers so here goes: tonight I ate an entire can of beefaroni after my 5-year-old rejected it and I have zero regrets.
Niche but this is what I think of when people talk about Threads
Hello, the Supreme Court sucks, burn it down.
So I guess the party’s here now right?
End of feed.