
I didn’t hate ZSJL, but that was always Elseworlds Superman, and pretending the main popular version of Superman from the last 75+ years wasn’t usually a selfless and heroic guy who saves the cat is just wild to me.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League. A movie that wasn’t…good, but I actually mostly enjoyed, even if including the ending that set up a sequel that was already never coming was a wildly bad idea for future discourse.
Oh, yeah. Well, to your point, the reason that shit is interesting is because it's not the "real" characters so it's an interesting diversion
Yeah. And at this point it has been 20 years since even a pale copy of that version was on the big screen. It’s due. At a certain point you need to actually have the construct again to deconstruct the narrative.
I've met people who deconstruct superman and they're all cowards
Often more or less agree with your media takes, but this one puts the cart before the horse IMHO. the 20th century was the time for Superman Classic/Real and the 21st was always going to involve the very slightly different set of anxieties that naturally pull Beware The Superman out of the setting
frankly i’d say the mere existence of the 90s internet (even pre WWW) made it basically inevitable that TNAS would devolve into a Bewarefest just like DS9 was always going to end a mile up cyberpunk’s glistening hole
though of course JSBvS takes it all to its height of possible stupidity, this too was merely a point of emphasis on where the genre (of live action film) was always going
Yeah, I’m not saying I disagree. I just thing that kind of character cannot survive long, especially as a protagonist, before people get bored of it. The irony being that “heroic Superman” was always supposed to be the boring one.
I’m actually much more drawn to a reconstruction that detours *all* the way into Beware than either narrative alone, because it feels a lot realer to our world where one guy having all the power would be nearly impossible to imagine but as a menace, and the ideal of truth and justice is “freedom”