Nolan Void

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Nolan Void

Punched Hitler on the bird site. I did other things. My name is not actually Nolan.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
I skeeted this and then read the more recent replies and some "just add the digits" people did show up. Listen, before you stop and do that, I have noticed that it's 30 + 21 and thereby factored it to 3 and 17. But the vibes are what they are. It should clearly be prime.
People were like "The digits add up to 6, it's clearly divisible by 3" and yes, that's true, but counterpoint: Just look at it. Look at it, and tell me if you've ever seen a primer-looking number.
Every time I’m reminded of this it grinds my gears.
it pisses me off that 51 isn't a prime number
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“It has to be exciting to see cars going 140 mph down Columbus Drive!” My brother in Christ, that is just a Tuesday afternoon in Chicago.
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Dem weirdos dreaming up tournament-style solutions to Joe Biden being the nominee and Catturd-grade reactionary types crying about cheating in the French election have one crucial thing in common, which is that they transparently lack the emotional maturity and patience required to be sports fans.
Now I really wish they had gotten Merry Clayton in with them.
they told you about the impossibility of covering a song already being perfect, but a few brave men and a drum machine stood up against that merciless law
Sisters Of Mercy - Gimme Sisters Of Mercy - Gimme Shelter . HQ 320KbpsSisters Of Mercy Bootlegs Tape (Demo And Live)HQ 1979 - 1981
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
Threw out my back going down an incredibly high speed indoor slide with an 11 year old in my lap to mitigate a very public autistic meltdown. I don’t think I’m as good a father as I try to be, but boy I try.
I did my version 13 years ago and there are a lot of things I’d change, but the biggest one is I should’ve used the “KAMPF!” sound effect I used on the (also flawed) Solomon Stone punches Hitler piece I made. Also, a Buscema homage, but much less direct (he’s modeled off the Hulk backhanding a deer)
I think we all know what I think of Sal…
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I have been chuckling about this all day.
I swear to God my 6 year old just pointed to this guy and said “That’s Tosk!”
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
so then when the right wing is like “okay everyone! here’s our to-do list! made by us, with our names on it! there’s a timeline and a work plan and everyone signed off on it!”, I think a lot of normie voters just went like “wait wtf am I looking at” because they really did not believe us before
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
the problem, more often than we realize, is simply that they don’t believe anyone could really be that cartoonishly evil, and they’re looking around for any excuse to avoid confronting that as reality. “they can’t legally do that”, “that’s an extreme example”, “biased sources”, “misspoke,” etc
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Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
This was always true. This has always been true for every marginalized community in every single only these “advanced democracies.” Welcome to the world your privilege has shielded you from. This is life outside the cave.
How do we adjust to a world where major democracies have long-term viable fascist parties? It feels like we'll just be having existential election after existential election, and we have to win every time whereas they only have to win once.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
This isn't a plan to replace a presidential candidate, it's a plan to entertain journalists
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
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Hey Dems I found someone we can trust
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
Simultaneously humiliating Macron AND Le Pen? Oui, s'il vous plaît.
Sadly, having grown up in SC, I know a political party that should lose an election there for a lot of reasons that never does for worse structural reasons.
a political party loses elections to this
I think we all know what I think of Sal…
Sal, for better or worse, was THE Marvel house style in the 1970s. Dude cranked out 3 books a month! Of course, they were all stock poses and the same 5 facial expressions, but hey they were easy to read. Makes Kirby's output in the 1960s even more astounding, because Jack never relied on formula.
I swear to God my 6 year old just pointed to this guy and said “That’s Tosk!”
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
White people in a western white majority country yapping about "reclaim western values" should've been enough of a signal. That's not even a dogwhistle, it's just calling the dog's name!
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
When people claim that journalism is a bulwark against extremism, I have to laugh. Legacy news certainly isn't and any smaller paper is being crushed by being bought out, etc.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
I canceled my subscription to WaPo a few years back because they did a very similar puff piece– it was about a ranch in TX that is a "home" for single pregnant women (and I am using "women" specifically here for a reason). What it actually is is a Christian work camp.
Either the NY Times has staff reporters that can't recognize white supremacist shit unless it literally comes with swastikas, or they see a purpose in puff pieces about white supremacists. Neither reflects well on them.
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If someone’s bleeding out, First Aid can slow it & increase odds of survival until they can see a Dr. IF one is even available. Yelling at folks providing aid when no help is available is pointless & deadly. This post is about Mutual Aid, Direct Action, & Community Support. They are First Aid.
I’m not saying maybe the lesson to the centrist liberals of the world is to stop hoping the moderate right will join you, and make concessions toward the left to defeat the far right, because no matter who says it in this country, none of you will believe me.
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
The Fermi Paradox resolved in one word: cowardice
every planet has an idea like "humans" but very few are bold enough to follow through on it
Make a band the same amount of vegetable Jan & Dean No, sorry. That’s awful. Trying to delete. Oh god don’t hit po
Make a band the same amount of vegetable Red Hot Chili Peppers
My house is 70% water
..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..