
When we talk about the paradox of tolerance, it applies to most systems. When we advocate for universal or absolute tolerance, saying even Nazis have a right to spread their filth and evil, because limitations on one group will mean we all are infringed The reality is...
that presumes we're all agreeing to play a game by the same rules. That is patently untrue. Nazis do not believe in freedom, or tolerance, or equality. So offering them those things, is a mug's game. And many people need to wise the fuck up.
In Carl Sagan's amazing book, The Demon-Haunted World, he has a section on game theory and talks about the Golden Rule, the Iron Rule, etc. And this applies to zero sum systems. Anyway he rejects the golden rule because it is DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU, which means
unfortunately, that one does not punish evil. So if you're in a zero sum game, with specific rules and that person in their turn does what is harm to you. You repay it with kindness. So that is ...unworkable.
I think the Iron Rule is you're cool until they cross you then you destroy them. I looked it up because brain is mushy, here are the rules.
The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Silver Rule Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.
The Brazen Rule Do unto others as they do unto you. The Iron Rule Do unto others as you like, before they do it unto you. The Tit-for-Tat Rule Cooperate with others first, then do unto them as they do unto you
The Tit for Tat the one that works. You cooperate until they do not. Then you RESUME cooperation, if they behave. This allows for people to be good, to engage in the Golden Rule of cooperation, but not to be a damned doormat. And causes all players in the system to rise.
And in a zero sum game? It's thee winning strategy.
I once saw someone from Tumblr say, to paraphrase briefly, the Paradox of Tolerance resolves when we think of it as a social contract. The unspoken agreement is that we don't actively harm others. When anyone chooses to be intolerant, they've broken the contract, so it no longer applies to them.
omfg this is FANTASTIC
I love it, but, your thread was the perfect match for it :)
OMG I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH and am playing through it now. The WWI story from the first moment I heard it, fucking horrified me. Not that people came together, no that makes sense. But to then resume war 😞
But, the fact that peace broke out against orders against it is also hopeful. People are capable of peace, if the system allows it.
Thank you for not saying "It's time for some game theory." If I had written this thread, I don't think I could have resisted the temptation.