
A new animated show is coming to Fox about two guys who lose their jobs to robots but get an unconditional basic income of $3,000 a month. And there will be at least two seasons of it. It's called "Universal Basic Guys."
‘Universal Basic Guys’ Scores Early Season 2 Renewal; Fox Drops Ahead of Fox's premiere for the animated series 'Universal Basic Guys,' the network has given the comedy an early Season 2 renewal.
The premise of the show is that the town of Glantontown is the location of a universal basic income pilot program where everyone in the town gets the $3,000/mo UBI. Seems the town is chosen for the UBI pilot because its primary employer, a hot dog factory, goes fully automated.
Well that is interesting
It is, but my spidey senses are starting to tingle here. Fox Entertainment, doing a show that's not just one episode, BUT THE ENTIRE PREMISE, is about UBI and so far the vibe is "how it's good"? Milton Friedman originally proposed UBI as a way to gut the social state & privatize services.
Well that isn't a good thing...I will watch that show with interest. The NDIS here in Australia is showing that government oversight is imperative for well functioning social services. UBI must take into account extra expenses for those with disabilities or supporting those with disabilities.
I want to say cant wait till we can see it in the UK, but I cant help feeling that it being a Fox show probly means itll run through worst case scenarios for the laughs.