Pester Power

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Pester Power

Performing Artist, Teacher, Forest Dweller. Married, 2 kids, dog lover. She/they. LGBTQI+ Ally. Supporter of refugees and powerful women. Equality.
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I remember seeing a version of this that had page numbers cited next to each line -- anyone got that image handy?
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i am in serious trouble & do not have much time. i really urgently need the help. Please. i am working. It's not enough. I am a creator so I can definitely make content or sell some but I really need #MutualAid #HelpSky to help out. i am begging you to please, please help me. 💕💸🦊✨
To the Gen Z men who feel feminism has gone to far... How so?
Walk away now people smell the off stench only to walk back into the project 2025 tip once in power. Lies, lies, lies. Take care America
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
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Black trans folks, if you need some short-term therapy to take care of some things, The Okra Project may be a resource for you. They provide 3 months of free therapy to Black trans folks in the US. Check it out.
The Okra
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Trump also said, “I don’t know anything about David Duke” in 2016, and “I know nothing about QAnon,” in 2020. This is his go-to move.
Well nailed it Trump just wrote "I know nothing about Project 2025" Of course, he's lying. Key players from his team, like Miller and Vought, are on the Advisory Board. McEntee said they'd "intergrate" their work That's he's trying to create distance is a huge tell
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People who are defending Neil Gaiman right now. We see you. Woman who have been hurt see you. Survivors see you. And you’re all the same.
Also l... fireworks are just kind nda pretty meh. No great loss if they stop. Have you seen the drone light art? Shits all over fireworks. Like flying dragons. Amazeballs.
I'm tired of seeing people complain about fireworks. Fireworks are great except for the fire risks that they have. And how they negatively impact the environment. And how they scare my pets. And how they can trigger a variety of mental health issues. And how they- (1/98)
Girl dinners be cool.
"Girl Dinner" was just explained to me and that's how I learned I've been eating girl dinner all along. A sleeve of crackers, chunk of cheese & a pile of grapes? That's me, girl dinner. Three pizza rolls, two chicken nuggets, and a Taco Bell hot sauce? That's me, girl dinner.
Yeah, some people need to take an empathy bath to cut through all that capitalist bullshit they're covered in.
If you're wondering whether cities will start using their new power soon, during the July 2 City Council meeting where I live, a council member (white dude) used his comment period to get vocally excited about us being able to ticket people sleeping outside.
Why don't we talk about Trump, Epstein and Pedophilia?
OK so while we argue on this site about who should replace Biden Twitter is burning up with WHY DOESNT THE MEDIA COVER TRUMP SEXUALLY ASSAULTING CHILDREN WITH EPSTEIN we really need to stop the discourse on here being so completely led by a handful of white elite dipshits in ac offices
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Yes. More progressive politics needed
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Fireworks are just like mountains and babies — you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
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I tell you what, tons of British politicians are saying about the peaceful transfer of power and it's definitely about the US and reminding everyone about Jan 6th
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
Oh goddamn fu*king **ck. He seemed like a goodun'. You really just can't tell.
This is very painful to discover. Apparently it’s been an open secret in the publishing industry for 15+ years?
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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I'm a radical left thug when it comes to bodily autonomy.
I'm thinking Vegemite might feature in that missing volume. That is a very long running vegetable situation. Worthy of a poem or a song.
Do not ask about the missing volume. This country did some dark shit trying to resolve the Vegetable Situation
It's all about control. They want freedom for themselves only.
What’s wrong with the religionist right that they have to legislate how to shit? It takes a very fkt up belief system to be that ashamed of one’s own biology.
Trans women are welcome in my bathrooms regardless of what any guy thinks. Trans women be women. That is all.
“Shouldn’t” is just terrorising my mind i’m not rotating it in my mind it is violently shaking and lurching around outside of my control
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The people telling you not to vote can make a negative case by lying to you about it "not making a difference" but they cannot make a positive case about how *not* voting would make a difference. The flip side? Voting can't hurt, but might help. Do it. Every tool against the fascists.
This is why I love Bluesky...the statements that come into my feed. Sometimes I just keep scrolling, purposely avoiding understanding and context. The people here are beautifully out there. 🙏
Hmm bloodless if people just turn over and take it...sounds like the US is tumbling into an horrific mess day by day.
There's a significant contingent of Americans who simply don't believe Project 2025, it's too outlandishly evil – they think you're making it up. The more Kevin talks about this shit, the better...
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A damning joint report by Yale Law School and Yale Medicine finds the UK's Cass Review "levies unsupported assertions about gender identity, gender dysphoria, standard practices, and safety of gender-affirming medical treatments, and it repeats claims that have been disproved by sound evidence.”
Report Addresses Key Issues in Legal Battles over Gender-Affirming Health A new report from The Integrity Project provides an evidence-based critique of a recent independent review that has become central to U.S. litigation regarding health care for transgender youth.
What is stopping Biden from announcing Trump a tyrannous threat to democracy? Throw him in a military jail, never to be seen again. As an official act.
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This is important. For example, you might think that the media fuss around not allowing trans women to be on a shared women’s hospital ward in the U.K. was based on evidence. But it isn’t. There haven’t been any complaints, let alone any problems. The “threat” is a phantasm.
You can’t carve out exceptions to equality based on feelings, or hunches, or bad takes. Why? Because that way lies persecution of whichever minorities are currently deemed unpalatable. Transphobes’ mistrust of trans people is based on whipped up fear, not on any actual threat.
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One thing I will not tolerate is someone accusing me of being cavalier about the risks of Trump. My own trans body will never let me forget or minimize it, and the families with trans kids I meet every week are having their children endangered by the same policies he wants to take national.
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