
If I will be Netanyahu I will be scared by Trump cause when I heard a man who will be dictator for one day say « finish  the problem », I heard « final solution »…
I think Bibi is probably broadly in favor of more casualties -- perhaps he'd prefer them to be Palestinian but Israeli ones help him too.
May be « finishing the problem » is not about the Jews in Israël but in the USA…
Sorry but patriots are those in ww2 come to save my country. You mistake religious nationalism with patriotism.
This is a page from MAD, an American satire magazine, describing an American phenomenon. But I bet with a slight change in terms, the idea applies across many nations!
Je parlais des patriot américains ayant débarqué en France. All the country of the world are under preasure of autoritarisme fascisme because of the manipulation of Moscow, Beijing and Teheran. They play to the dangerous game of a global war for ressources and destruction of the predominance of USA
Trump is their missile. He will make America an isolationist country with more money but less power in court terms but the more money will gone with time. And liberals minding will leave the world,