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portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
incidentally I am an emergency physician and I use a walker
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
this is perhaps the funniest possible “Dems are already doing something like this” www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip...
kamala takes the stage as the presumptive nominee to the organ riff from “not like us.” the crowd goes wild when she says “our opponent, the certified lover boy? certified pedophile”
Vice President Kamala Harris Drops Kendrick Lamar ‘Not Like Us’ Reference During 2024 BET Awards: ‘They Not Like Us’www.billboard.com Kamala Harris dropped a reference to Kendrick Lamar's Drake diss track 'Not Like Us' during Sunday night's (June 30) 2024 BET Awards.
goodie proctor saw the devil
Honestly the "biden should step down" stuff makes no fucking sense to me, i feel like I'm watching a bunch of people lose their minds and very confidently start speaking in tongues
three white claws, two hot dogs and one burger into the cookout, god bless amerizzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzz
I once wandered in there during the Stripping and it scarred me in ways I cannot describe. I , taught from birth to fear the sun when it is VERY FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE was forever changed by this. They are strange, these people of this exotic land. A proud, tribal, quaint people. But oh so strange.
a charmingly goofy thing about portland is that it’s dark here half the year so once the temp hits 90, every white person in town strips down and becomes a reflective surface bright enough to be seen from space
My son at his, July 29, 2023. I made him wear a suit. Everybody else his age was in shorts. Before it started there were league of women voters ladies helping register folks to vote. He came back to where I was sitting and said mom, should I fill this out? I said Yes! And then I cried like a baby.
UK election in a nutshell
waterskiing in the willamette is certainly a choice, but who am i to spoil anyone’s 4th of july fun?
Your honor, with all due respect, they’ve got cars big as bars, they’ve got rivers of gold, but the wind goes right through you, it’s no place for the old.
Your honor, with all due respect, you wanted to dance, so I asked you to dance, but fear is in your soul.
it’s like a town full of victorian ghosts got introduced to tank tops and hot pants
a charmingly goofy thing about portland is that it’s dark here half the year so once the temp hits 90, every white person in town strips down and becomes a reflective surface bright enough to be seen from space
a charmingly goofy thing about portland is that it’s dark here half the year so once the temp hits 90, every white person in town strips down and becomes a reflective surface bright enough to be seen from space
Half the founders would have a collection of hot sauces like Asshole Prolapser and Shit Liquifier they picked up from Ace Hardware.
cramming a handful of jalapeño ranch chips in my mouth shouting THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, WASHINGTON
eating slices of turkey straight out of the bag over the sink while prepping a bunch of vegetables for the cookout this afternoon just as god and john adams intended
eating slices of turkey straight out of the bag over the sink while prepping a bunch of vegetables for the cookout this afternoon just as god and john adams intended
My wife got hers about two years ago - it was lovely. Then six hours later she went into premature labor 9 weeks early.
i never get tired of stories about naturalization ceremonies, i had a friend who used to teach the classes in chicago and she always used to send me pictures from them (RIP steph)
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
In the park by our flat in Vancouver. Sorry (saw-ry) you aren’t here.
History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).
When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.
it doesn’t happen anywhere near as often as the reverse, but i always cringe and die a little when i see an american poster try to canadasplain canadian politics to a canadian. woof, man.
nation’s mood sour, reports man who took a shit on the dining room table before dinner
i want a second revolutionary war but this time we send all of england’s aristocracy and all of america’s rich generational failsons to annihilate each other on some unoccupied slice of antarctica, i don’t care who wins, we aren’t letting them come back
it is not *just* that this is deeply insulting any day of the week, but especially on the 4th of july, it is not *just* that he’s a fucking white man whose ability to vote in this country has never been in doubt, it is also that he’s a fucking liar!
for fuck’s sake, man, what the fuck are they doing over there
commissioning a guest essay titled “stop telling your children about santa, you uncouth lout” to publish on christmas eve
Wait does Grimace count as a Furry
worth pointing out that this complete and utter POS did vote in both 2020 and 2022, so this entire article is not only BS but a demonstrable lie disseminated by the NYT, this is yet another psy op by Sulz to rig the election for the guy who they think will get them better ratings
for fuck’s sake, man, what the fuck are they doing over there
all of this, everything all of us know, everything any of us have ever known, all the good and the bad, it belongs to us. don’t give it to them. make them fight us for it down to the last goddamn they/them. we will never get it back if we lose.
these fucking fascists were stronger in 2020 that they are now and they are only getting stronger now because columnists in the least representative cities in america are both bored and lazy. break these fuckers.
most fucking americans think trump is a dangerous asshole. start from there. don’t let these people tell you otherwise. think of every person you’ve ever met that likes donald trump and think of what every person that deals with them thinks. same as 2020.
man, you work in a cubicle or a kitchen or a factory or a warehouse or wherever you work, the NYT oped board thinks you work in a corner office with an expansive view of NYC and go home to a 3BR apartment in a high rise, but you don’t have to believe them or treat them as if you do.
man, you work in a cubicle or a kitchen or a factory or a warehouse or wherever you work, the NYT oped board thinks you work in a corner office with an expansive view of NYC and go home to a 3BR apartment in a high rise, but you don’t have to believe them or treat them as if you do.
that last part is important, they did a co-endorsement of two candidates who were never going to win in 2020, these people are rich idiot debutants entertaining each other, they aren’t fucking talking to *you*